Chapter 4

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The ride over to the restaurant was... typical. Nothing out of the ordinary, Kara talked to Lena as if they'd been best friends for years (which was accurate), and Lena had listened and responded to each of Kara's jokes as she usually did. She was still trying to figure out if Kara's flowers meant something more than a friendly gesture, but didn't want to make Kara suspicious.

Finally, when they reached the restaurant, something did change. Kara walked around the car and opened the door for Lena, holding out her hand for the CEO as she did so. Lena's heart fluttered because of Kara's -seemingly- romantic gesture, and she was ashamed to admit that something so drastically minute could cause her to go breathless... But it was Kara, and nothing that woman did ever left her unaffected.

They walked into the building and were sat without difficulty, but when they were left to themselves, with a bottle of champagne and menus, Lena became increasingly nervous. If this was their first real date, and it went badly, it could destroy whatever chance she had of being Kara's girlfriend... But if this weren't a date, and she said or did the wrong thing, it could end what they already had going between them. She inhaled deeply and decided just to act like she generally would until Kara gave her a sign to do otherwise. "How is working under Snapper treating you?"

Kara let out an exasperated sigh. "It's ridonkulous!" She said, and Lena couldn't help but giggle at Kara's juvenile word; it was utterly adorable.

"Oh? Is he being biased against you? I can have him fired. It will only take one phone call, and you will never have to worry about him again."

Kara smiled fondly at Lena, and it almost took the brunette's breath away. "No, don't do that. It's fine if not everyone likes me... It's just difficult to deal with sometimes, but I'm okay."

Lena made a mental note to transfer Snapper to a different editing department and nodded her head. If Kara didn't want him fired, fine... But Lena wouldn't allow him to abuse his power over the woman she loved either.

"How are things going at L-Corp?" Kara inquired as the waiter arrived.

Lena ordered Prosciutto, halfheartedly and then refocused her attention to Kara who was in the middle of ordering several different dishes. She chuckled at how lucky Kara as to have such a harrowing appetite, but when she noticed Kara's cheeks begin to tint, and she showed embarrassment before stopping her order halfway through, Lena frowned. "She'll also have the Ribollita and the Saltimbocca as well," Lena said, before smiling gently at her... (girl?)friend.

The waiter took their extensive order and then left silently, leaving Kara and Lena to themselves once more. "I wasn't laughing at you, darling. I was laughing because you're the luckiest person I know when it comes to their metabolism."

Kara's embarrassment dissipated and she smiled. "I know, but I realized that it probably was a little strange... One woman ordering six different meals all at once?" She shrugged. "Didn't want to get weird looks all night."

Lena raised her brow. "Darling, the only reason you're getting weird looks is that a gorgeous woman like you shouldn't be caught dead in public with a Luthor... Especially not in a romantic setting."

Kara furrowed her brows. "This is considered romantic?" She asked.

Lena fought the urge to throw herself off a cliff and nodded slowly. "To some." She responded, struggling to keep her smile on her face... Kara didn't see this as romantic.

"Oh, well they can shut up. You're my best friend, and if they weren't so hung up on your last name and didn't lump you in with the rest of the Luthors, they could actually see that you're a fantastic person. Any of them would be lucky to have you in their lives, and they're idiotic if they can't find it in themselves to see that. I'm proud that you're my best friend, and I'm not going to hide it, so they can keep on staring."

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