Chapter 5

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It'd been well over three months since Lena had called off their 'extra benefits.' She sat on her couch on a random Wednesday afternoon, thinking about her current situation. Kara hadn't been ignoring her like she feared she would, but she certainly wasn't her happy-go-lucky self anymore either... She acted more distant, reserved even, but she never ignored Lena, still made a conscious effort to communicate with her, yet... it still wasn't the same as it had been before.

It baffled Lena, to say the least, but it also killed her inside... Had she destroyed their friendship?

The thought caused her stomach to knot, and her heart to explode with pain.

Kara had been seeing someone for the past seven or so weeks; however, she vehemently insisted that it was just casual because of how new it was. She also had explained that when she told Alex what Lena had said, Alex had joyfully taken the opportunity to agree with Lena and had set her sister up on a date.

Lena had met the man, whom she now knew as DEO Special Agent Dustin Miller, at their game night last month. He was tall, very well built, and was a perfect gentleman, but seeing Kara make googly eyes at him destroyed her.

The memory of his arm wrapped around Kara's waist caused her heart to ache. The memory of him holding Kara's hand churned her stomach, and the memory of him staying at Kara's apartment after everyone else (including Lena herself) had left for the evening made her want to shoot him between the eyes.

When she realized that her jealousy was causing her to think irrationally, she stood, ready to turn herself into an alcoholic if only to avoid the thought of being forced to live a Kara-less life, when there was a knock at her door. She hoped that it might be Kara, so she instantly switched her to her decanter and rushed to the door.

When she opened it, however, it wasn't the Danvers sister that she wanted to see... instead, it was Alex.

"Alex?" She asked as panic hit her. Oh, god... Kara's hurt. "What happened? Is she okay? Did-,"

Alex rolled her eyes and covered Lena's mouth with her hand. "She's fine. Well, physically at least." Lena swallowed and blinked as Alex backed her back into her penthouse. "But I had this strange suspicion that something was wrong. She'd been acting strange, not quite like herself. She told me that she needed to get a boyfriend because you said she'd be happier once she did, so I set her up on a date like two months ago, as you're well aware of."

Lena swallowed the lump in her throat and she nodded. "Yes, I'm brutally aware of that." She murmured, her eyes averted elsewhere.

"Right, well I only did that because she'd been mopey and I figured a distraction would be nice. I had no idea what was going on, and I just wanted my baby sister to feel better. So I thought, hey... getting laid always helped me, so maybe it'll help her too."

The thought of Kara having sex with someone else made Lena want to jump off of her balcony, but she feigned nonchalance. "Right." She said.

Alex huffed and shook her head before reaching into her purse and pulling out a page of fancy notebook paper. "I was wrong though... Sex isn't what she needed. What she needed, and still seems to need, is communication with her best friend, who I can tell is madly in love with her."

Lena froze. Had everyone been able to tell but Kara? "Y-you knew?"

"Everyone knew," Alex said as she rolled her eyes. "The only person who didn't was Kara, but let's face it, she can never tell when someone is into her. She couldn't tell when Winn was, she couldn't tell win Lucy was, and she sure as hell couldn't when Livewire was. She's blind as a bat and thinks that everyone is always making heart eyes at their friends because that's what she does."

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