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**** Nash's P.O.V ****

I was channel surfing trying to find a show to watch because I was bored until I stopped on a commercial for an orphanage it had all these sad kids and it made me feel really sad.

I turned to Cameron who was sitting next to me on the opposite couch as me. " Hey cam I think I want to adopt a child"

He gave me an are you serious and an are you freaking crazy look at the same time.

I nodded and he said

" Nash a child is a lot of responsibility and you're not even the legal age to adopt a child." He said with seriousness in his voice

"I know but I was hoping that you could be his or her legal guardian but I'll take care of him or her." I gave him the puppy dog face because he always gives in when I do.

"Ugh Nash you know I can't take the puppy dog face! Go get dressed and we'll go see to adopt a child." he said almost annoyed

My face lit up and I had the biggest most idiotic smile. "OH MY GOSH THANK YOU CAM SOOO MUCH! I won't let you regret it!!" with that I hopped up to go get dressed since all I had on were some grey sweat pants and my hair was a complete mess.

Once I was ready I hopped down the stairs and asked cam if he was ready he nodded and grabbed his keys and we walked out the door.

We hopped in the car and drove to Sunny Creek Orphanage.

Once we got there we hopped out and went to the front desk

"May I help you?" A lady asked in about her mid fourties.

"Yes we would like to adopt a child" cam said

"Ok here are there files" she handed us files of the children which had there name birthdate age and a photo of them.

We were looking through the files for about ten minutes until cam jumped up and said "I found the one!!" a little over excited.

I walked over to him and looked at the file. Her name was Kylee and was 13 almost 14 she had light brown hair with darker brown streaks and she was actually really pretty.

We walked over to the lady and we said "this is the one" in unison

"Ok but might I warn you she is a trouble maker." She said

Me and cam looked at each other and smirked. "Can we meet her?" I asked

"Yes I will go get her" and with that she went to go get Kylee


So I hope you enjoyed the second chapter uhhh I'll probably update a lot because that is what I'm going to do in my free time which is all the time sooooo ya


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