Glossary + Other Info

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Hello! If you've already played Wizardess Heart before, your vocabulary for reading this fanfic should be good to go! However, this will always be here to help in case there are some terms you don't recall. Happy reading and thank you! :)

This fanfic is rated "Mature" for mild language and explicit themes. If there is sexual content, there will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter. 

In this story, you will be reading in the perspective of the protagonist, who is from this world (Earth). You will be able to name her as I indicate her name with Y/N, so feel free to read it in your own perspective if you wish. 

The protagonist finds herself in Gedonelune for an unexplained reason and is suddenly enrolled into the academy. As the chain of events happen along the way, she becomes Buddies with Yukiya Reizen. In her original world, Wizardess Heart is an Otome game on a mobile device, so she has knowledge of many things of this world already, including some of the people. 

These terms are in alphabetical order. The list will be updated as the story is written. If certain terms are unclear and not on the list, please write a comment and I will update it.

Acceptance Letter: A piece of parchment announcing the provisional admission of students to the Gedonelune Magic Royal Academy. It can speak, float, teleport, and pop several items for the new students.

Buddies: Two students in the academy who share the same fate and have potential to positively influence each other. According to Wizardess Heart, they are chosen by the Scale of Judgement.

Dragonkin: Human/dragon hybrid beings with powerful magic and long lifespans.

East Forest: A forest near the academy that is forbidden to enter. It is guarded with powerful magic to ward off trespassers. 

Elias Goldstein: A romanceable character from Wizardess Heart. He is from a highly influential family.

Gedonelune: A kingdom ruled by a monarchy where this story takes place

Gedonelune Magic Royal Academy: The most prestigious magic school in the kingdom. This is where the protagonist will be attending school in this story.

Hiro Tachibana: A romanceable character from Wizardess Heart.

Klaus Goldstein: A romanceable character from Wizardess Heart. He is a graduate from the academy and works in the Ministry of Magic. He is also Elias's older brother. 

Liz Hart: Heroine/Protagonist from the original Wizardess Heart. The game is played in her perspective.

Luca Orlem: A romanceable character from Wizardess Heart. He flirts with every girl he meets.

(Conrad) Schuyler: A strict professor in the academy who teaches magical tools, magical incantation, and curse spells.

(Willem V) Rembrandt: The current headmaster of the academy. He is a Dragonkin.

Wizardess Heart: An Otome game from NTT Solmare's Shall We Date? series. The world in this story is based on this game.

Y/N: Your name.

Y/LN: Your last name.

Yukiya Reizen: A romanceable character from Wizardess Heart and the love interest of this fanfic. Rumor has it that he is cursed.

Zeus Brundle: A romanceable character from Wizardess Heart. He has quite the personality...

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