Episode 1: How Did I Get Here?!

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"Alright, class. Please let me stamp your lab manuals before you leave and don't forget to finish tomorrow's pre-labs online before you come to class," my Biology professor announced as I wrote down the answer to the last lab question in my manual.

"Almost done?" asked my lab partner and friend, Janette. We were both Graphic Design students, and I had met her last semester in my Graphic Design class.  We happened to be taking the same Biology class this semester.

"Yup, few more words... and done. Let's go get it stamped," I replied and we walked to the professor's desk.

Our professor swiftly flipped through the pages from today's lab to check for completion and then gave us both a stamp on the last page.

"Have a wonderful rest of your day, ladies!" our professor said with a smile.

"Thank you, you too professor!" replied Janette and I as we closed our lab manuals and put them in our backpacks. We walked together towards the parking lot.

"Yawn~ Wow I really need a nap after I get home," I said as we walked down the stairs of the building.

"Haha you're such a night owl, you said the same thing yesterday," Janette said with a  laugh.

"Yeah, I stayed up late working on some..projects," I said and laughed nervously as I recalled myself rolling around in bed playing Otome games until late at night. I don't want to let her know this side of me, fearing she'd think I'm an obsessed nerd or something worse. Only a few of my close friends know of my borderline unhealthy obsession.

"You're so diligent, show me some of your work when you're done!" she said excitedly and looked at me with a beaming smile.

"Ahahaha... sure," I said as I thought about what I could show her. I've only been drawing shirtless men from my favorite games these past few weeks, and I definitely couldn't show her those!

"Oh crap! I made an appointment with an adviser today. I need to ask him what classes I should be taking next semester," said Janette as she looked at the time on her phone.

"Oh! Hurry before you're late! I'll see you tomorrow," I replied. We said goodbye to each other and our paths diverged as she walked towards the Arts buildings. I continued to walk towards the parking lot.

I finally reached my car, and as I was about to unzip my backpack to dig around for my keys, I felt as if the ground had opened up and swallowed me.

"HOLY F*CK!" I screamed as clutched tightly to my backpack as I fell and the world around be turned pitch black.

What's happening?! I don't want to die yet! Many thoughts filled my mind as the darkness enveloped me. My  heart was pounding. My stomach was doing flips. I continued to hold on to my backpack as I closed my eyes and clenched all the muscles in my body as tightly as I could, bracing myself for an impact. However, my consciousness had slipped away before that happened, and I don't even remember how long I had been falling for.

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to get my vision to focus,  but everything was blurry. All I could see was white. My body was unbelievably heavy and I felt incredibly dizzy, but I felt like I was lying on my back on something firmed but cushioned.

Am I dead? Where am I? I thought to myself as I tried to move my stiff body. However, I don't think I was able to move at all.

"I think she's waking up! I saw her hand twitch a little!" said a young female voice, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Then I heard some footsteps coming closer. I could see two figures approaching from the corner of my eye on the left but I couldn't make out their faces. They only looked like shadows. I tried to speak to ask who they are and where I am, but it was useless. I couldn't make a sound at all.

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