I bit my lip, thinking about the options. My head had been so muddled lately that writing had begun to feel like a chore.

"I guess I'll try Netflix. Anything you recommend?" I asked.

"Shameless," Harry replied automatically. "It's a dram-edy. Drama, comedy. Right up your alley. You'll love it."

"Okay," I said. "Thanks. For everything, Harry really."

Harry paused for a minute and the voice I heard before got louder. Holy shit... was it... her?

"You're welcome, Lou," Harry said after a while. "I'm always here to help. Sorry, I just have to take care of something. But I hope you like the show. Text me if you need anything else."

"Right, of course," I replied flatly.

What else did he have to take care of though? His baby mama's pussy?

"Bye, honey," Harry said. Then he clicked off the phone, leaving mysteries swirling around in my head and nausea dancing in my stomach.

Now, as Liam sits next to me at the counter, I can't help but wonder if he knows something about Harry. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but all of this is seeming a little too good to be true if you ask me. Harry was the one who hurt me so badly and caused this mess. Is it really a coincidence that he's also the one helping to repair the damage?

Sometimes people just want a clean conscience  so they can move past the guilt... When I get better, will be still be holding my hand and kissing my neck? Or will he be right back where he started with Eliza?

"Lou, are you gonna eat?" Liam asks. His voice interrupts my conspiracy theories, and I force a nod and smile.

"Yup," I say, taking my sandwich out of the bag. As soon as I look at the size of it, I want to toss it directly in the garbage. It's way too much food. And then a yogurt on top of that? No.

I manage a small bite, and notice that Liam is nearly done with his. "Sorry to be slow," I say.

"No worries. We still have an hour before your appointment," Liam says cheerily.

Does he know that it's been taking me a full hour to finish my meals - sometimes even more?

Not that I really have been following my meal plan lately... I mean I have been trying. I promised Harry I would try and I really am. But some of the meals are just too overwhelming and I have to adapt them. Like macaroni and cheese. Fat and carbs? I ended up having rice noodles instead....

I know I'm not supposed to do that. They specifically said not to alter the meal plan. But I've been on it for only two days, and I could hardly stomach any of the full meals that they put down. It was better than nothing.

"So, how are things going?" I ask, trying to take my mind off the myriad of thoughts attacking my mind.

"They're okay," Liam says, taking a spoonful of his yogurt. I try not to wince as I think about how I have to have one too. "I met with Zayn after all. You guys were right. I know I shouldn't have. But I got closure. He was never in Milan at all. He was doing projects all over, mostly here in London. It's fucked up but at least I know the truth. He's a cheater and a liar. Good luck to whoever gets with him next."

"That's awful," I reply. "You really are better off without him. I'm glad you got closure.... you didn't fuck him though did you?...."

"I did," Liam admits, wincing a bit. "It'll be the last time ever though. I'm done with him."

I wrinkle my nose, trying to force down the rest of my sandwich while my mind is still somewhat quiet. "Aw, Li. Well I won't judge you for that. I get it's complicated, but yeah never again."

I Hate You (Larry Stylinson) ✅Where stories live. Discover now