Jo mirrored her expression as she stood in the archway between the living room and the corridor. "We'll see," she said, walking out the door in the next second, leaving her alone in a room with the Drama Queen, a woman named Isobel, and a seemingly nice person called Blaine. Rather than talking to them, as any other polite twelve-year-old would do, she ignored them – settling instead for pushing the unease they brought her to one side. She wrenched open the book, blinking as she found herself nose to book with her favourite reading material.

Poisons and how to use them.

That was something she was looking forwards to learning more about when she finally made it to Kasari, the City of Enforcers.

She sipped on her tea, sighing in contentment as she blocked the rest of the world out until she finished drinking her tea. The rune etched into the base of the cup kept it at a nice and toasty temperature, so it was a good half hour before she finished the delicious amber drink. Kimari wasn't worried in the slightest about her missing mother.

There wasn't anything dangerous between her and the homes of her other three students, the only people she imagined to be a danger to Jo sitting in the exact same room as her.

She'd covertly kept an eye on them, not liking the thought of them around Jo when she was out in the cold wintery night.

Kimari at least had her pack to rely on if things got sticky.

Jo didn't.

Nervousness gnawed at her gut, instincts screaming at her to keep her guard up and protect her pack... and that included Jo. Her mother didn't know, but she'd always considered her a member of her pack.

Still, she accepted that Jo could look after herself – very well if the events of last spring had been any indicator. She was a fully trained Enforcer, capable of taking on six fully-armed idiots blindfolded, as she'd proven that very day.

Kimari had worried slightly less about her from then on.

Only slightly.

She shook her head, quietly telling herself her twisting stomach was likely to do with the fact she knew she'd be leaving soon. She'd be leaving her pack, and everything she knew.

But it'd be worth it.

She needed to get stronger.

The little voice was always there, urging her forwards... telling her she needed to take her place in the world, and that place wasn't behind a computer screen.

Not that she could use them much anymore.

Jo had restricted her usage of the little machine after that disastrous holiday when she'd somehow gotten extremely lost and accidentally ventured a little too far into a very secure system. All the knowledge she'd obtained from that had been worth all the scolding... besides, her mother had all but taken her to ground after that incident. Nobody aside from Jo knew of her infamous deed.

Apparently some rather unfriendly people, and possibly some friendly ones too, would be after her if they knew what she could do.

Not that it'd matter.

The only thing she'd used to gain access to the computer had been her common sense rather than some incredible hacking or coding skills. It was hardly her fault there'd been a load of confidential documents stored on that particular machine. Plus they'd upgraded their defences after being 'beaten' by a nine-year-old.

According to Jo, they were the reason she had to wear thin gloves whenever she went near a keyboard. She'd decommissioned every computer she'd ever touched after being dragged to their base and inked with some seal which caused most technology to malfunction whenever she dared to touch it with her bare hands.

Little Enforcer (Kasarian Girl Series #1) | Rewrite in ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now