|4| Hellhound

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Kimari's shoulders sunk as she sat in front the Drama Queen, reminding herself she had to be polite to the man, no matter how much his presence grated on her nerves. It probably had something to do with the fact he kept calling her a brat, she mused, answering him in the next breath. "What is it?"

"You have an incredibly high pain tolerance, don't you?" He stared down at her, tweezers carefully removing shards of the coffee table from the back of her head. They'd been lodged in her skin for a little while, and it had started to get quite uncomfortable. Unfortunately for her, the recently named Drama Queen had been the only one with the necessary skills to remove them. "You haven't even flinched."

She rested her head on her hand, ignoring the sudden sting as he finished prying the last pieces of glass from her skin. Fingers sparked, a dull green light appearing over her suddenly. The light was soothing, the tingle of her scalp and the slight tugging sensation pulling at her head telling her the cuts were in the process of being healed.

How she loved healing magic...

It was always handy, though more often than not Jo didn't bother to use it one her – insisting it was her own fault for getting into the mess in the first place.

Kimari didn't have an argument for that logic.

"It's one of my more redeeming qualities," she mumbled, resting her head on her hand whilst she waited for him to finish. She didn't like sitting still for too long, but Jo had helpfully gotten her over the habit of bouncing around like a bunny on caffeine when it came to studying... with a few well placed headlocks here and there.

She respected those.

"Probably the only one that'll help you if you somehow manage to become an Enforcer," he replied, eyeing Jo as she came out of the kitchen with another two mugs. "The rest of them just make you even more of an insufferable brat."

Her hands twitched, her mind silently urging her to wring his neck, but the instincts ingrained into her body told her it'd be inadvisable to try. "How long is this going to take?" she asked. "I don't know how much longer I can put up with you."

Without strangling you, went unsaid.

His hands dropped into his lap in the next second. "All done," he said, "and you could try to be a bit more grateful, brat."

Kimari scowled as she turned to face him. "And you could try to stop calling me a brat."

"And we all know how likely that'll happen," Blaine mumbled, winking at her and Kimari found herself liking the quirky blonde. She'd take him over the man behind her any day.

"I saw that, Blaine." The Drama Queen glowered.

"Kim, I'm going to take the other muppets back to their homes," Jo said, placing a mug of peppermint tea in front of her. It was her favourite tea, so she knew she was being bribed to keep the damages to a minimum. "Try not to destroy the house, okay?"

"I won't," she grumbled, plonking herself down on the sofa furthest away from her least favourite person in the house.

If he called her a brat one more time...

"We'll keep an eye on her, don't worry," he said, shadowed green eyes tracking her across the room as she plucked a book from the coffee table. "How much trouble do you think she can get into with all of us here?"

Kimari's eyebrows rose. She couldn't wait to test that theory out.

Once she'd finished her peppermint tea, of course.

Little Enforcer (Kasarian Girl Series #1) | Rewrite in ProgressNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ