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you weren't there for my first steps.
not even for my first crawl or my first word.
in fact, have you heard me speak at all?
if you saw me in the streets, would you know i'm your son?
probably not. for all you know, i'm still a girl.

you haven't even tried to reach out to me,
although you've talked to my siblings.
why is that? am i really that atrocious to you?

father. the supposed-to-be most important man in your life.
the one who's supposed to help you through voice cracks and zits.
the one who's supposed to teach you how to throw a baseball.

but you never did any of that.
all you know how to do is ignore my existence, steal from my mother, and deal drugs.

despite all that, i can't hate you.
because how can you hate someone you've never even met?


just to clarify, that was aimed toward my biological dad aka a total headass !!! i luv my adoptive dad tho cos he's amazinggg

happy father's day to all the dads who actually stick around in their kids' lives and especially to the adoptive dads like you're doing great💘

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