Chapter 2 : Apologies and First Greetings

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Natsu entered the nurses' office, finding the first free bed to put Lucy down. Poluchka-sensei had entered a moment later, the strict, sharp eyed woman just seemed to scoff at the sight at Natsu, but  turned to see a student now occupying a bed. Keeping her blatant irritation in, she goes over to see an unfamiliar face and a worried Natsu.

"What's the story here?" She looks intently at Natsu

Natsu freezes up very slighty "Well, you know... I was fighting with Gray and I accidently hit the face." Natsu tries to explain and laugh it off as an innocent mistake.

Natsu's chuckling dies down very quickly when he sees Lucy laying in the bed, a red face and a bloody nose, as well as her uniform being ruined. What he had tried to brush off as an innocent mistake is now truly bothering him.

Poluchka-sensei had nothing to say, as she already guessed that the new student had ended up in the general vicinity of the Gray vs Natsu wars. Quickly she had gone off to get something to clean Lucy up, as well as something for the swelling and pain. Natsu looks down, with a regretful and gentle expression on his face he says very softly. "I'm sorry, Lucy"

It was a little louder than a whisper, enough to hear the heart behind his apology. Lucy smiled and opened her eyes "It's alright Natsu-san, but you really pack a punch. That might have really hurt Gray"

Natsu looks slightly startled at the smiling Lucy, his concern turns into that same childish grin "You know it, just watch I'll get him next time!" That soft voice, became louder and brimming with confidence.

Lucy chuckled at everything, it hasn't even been her first lesson and everything was so lively, despite getting caught in the crossfire, she was actually having immense amounts of fun. Lucy was laughing internally, and smiling so happily on the outside, until she remembered her now bloodied uniform. Her face instantly dropped and was concerned, trying to think of what she could do, unless she wanted to walk around full of blood all day...

Natsu had seen that glimpse of concern in her eyes, he didn't know what people were thinking all the time, but sometimes it was an easy read.

"Lucy, I'm going back to the class. Come back after you rest a bit"

Lucy had nodded and rolled over, deciding to take this opportunity to sleep a bit, after all she was tired from having her nerves keep her up the whole night.

Poluchka-sensei had come back, seeing a shirtless Natsu walk out of the infirmary, but of course still keeping his precious scarf on. As Natsu walked passed, he stopped her "Poluchka-sensei, please let Lucy rest for a bit. And give her the shirt" He said as he walked back to class.

Poluchka-sensei just let out her usual "hmph" and walked back into the infirmary, Lucy now lay in the bed, resting and thinking about everything. Along with the dull ache of her face and head. Poluchka-sensei had been kind enough to get her some tissues to clean her nose, as well as an ice pack for the ache and swelling on her face.

"Change into this when you're done cleaning up" Poluchka-sensei had said bluntly whilst handing her a shirt. Of course she didn't mention that it was Natsu's, nor did Lucy know at the time.

"Thank you very much" Lucy took the shirt, counting the lucky stars of not having to spend her first day walking around covered in blood. She had somewhat expected something resembling a stroke of luck... I mean after all she was known as "Lucky Lucy"

Lucy had changed and folded her bloodied uniform neatly, so that she could clean it as soon as possible, praying that the blood will not set. As she sat, trying to regain her composure and her heartbeat to a somewhat normal rate. The door had opened slowly...

It was Gray... He saw the blonde girl with her happy, but lonely expression sitting on the bed, and continued his purposeful stride towards her.

"Yeah, so I'm sorry about getting you involved in our fight, I'll make sure to pay back the hothead next time" Gray said with his usual tone, and expression. At first glance he probably would come across as indifferent, and blunt, but his words were laced with kindness. Lucy smiled, maybe he's just socially awkward?

The thought had made her chuckle and she looked up to see a surprised Gray looking at her.

"Thank you for apologising, but it's really alright" Lucy said smiling

"Oh, um sure. I'm Gray by the way, Gray Fullbuster"

"I'm Lucy"

The two seemed to share some friendly introductions and then Gray left. Their conversation was short and sweet, but something hinted at another budding friendship in the making.

Lucy had calmed down and was now ready to go back to class, to pick up and continue her first day. Of course she had an outburst of laughter thinking of all the things that could still happen.....

*Really short chapter this time around. Next chapter will hopefully be longer, thank you all for reading!! Hope you enjoyed. *

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