Chapter 7 (edited)

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Three whole days. It's been three days since our sensual encounter has happened, and he won't talk to me, so I skyped my mom pouring out all of my problems ... "And he doesn't want me, well I mean I don't even know ma. He took it that far, so maybe he does, but I'm just so confused". Groaning I leaned my head back before letting out a long stress-filled sigh.

"Aw baby. Maybe instead of trying to sexually turn him on you should do something sweet". My moms not the normal mother. She'd rather know what was going on and keep me protected than not know at all and fear what's going to happen. Yet if she ever walked in on me I'd be terrified. I was fucking this girl named Sammy or something like that and she went berserk. It was terrible, but kind of funny when I look back on it now, but I don't want a repeat of that.

"Like what?" I'm not a romantic, this is not my forte.

"Isn't tomorrow the weekend?"


"So hang out with him. Be yourself and try to make him enjoy it". Be myself, that's funny.

"Myself wants to pounce on him-"

"I'm your mom I don't want to know the details, I wish I didn't even know that you've done it before. Just do as I said". Right, yet she's always in my business. Mothers.

"He won't answer my texts or calls and I don't know where he lives". He's so damn stubborn, but I like a little game. It keeps me on my toes.

"Get dad to figure that out", I was about to object when she started again. "Don't you dare say that you can't talk to dad about this. He's your father and he knows that you like guys". There's my mother for you.

"But we never talk about it .."

"Oh shut- up and stop being a big baby. I love you chestnut, but I have to go. Bye baaaby", she said blowing a kiss. I can't believe that she still calls me chestnut, all because as a little kid I had chestnut colored hair.

"Bye ma. I love you". I miss her so much. She needs to get back home. Two and a half weeks is too long to wait.

My dad's home, so I guess that I could go ask now. This is going to be so awkward. I walked into his office knowing that he'd be there. He looked up as I sat in his seat. "Whatcha need?".

"Uhm so you see I was talking to mom and-".

"You were talking to her? She hasn't called or skyped me all day. Maybe I missed it", he grumbled looking disappointed. He missed her even more than I did. My mother and father are the most lovey dovey married couple I know; 60 percent of the time it feels like they're still in their honey moon phase. It's annoying, but I'm glad my parents still have it going for them. They make me believe that everyone has someone out there meant just for them.

"No- I skyped her, and the conversation was short".

"Oh, well what did you need again?", some of his disappointment fizzing away, but some was still buried deep in the surface.

"Do you have the Jemington's address?".


I cleared my throat looking away embarrassed. "I need to get in contact with the son, and he won't return my calls". While fiddling with my fingers I looked back at my dad's amused face.

"Are you trying to tell me that you have a crush on Mr. Jemington's son?" He clasped his hands together staring at me grinning. Asshole. He doesn't have to hold this out longer than needed.

"Maybe.." My dad stifled his laugh trying to regain his cool.

"Why are you laughing?", I whined. This is so embarrassing, why won't he just tell me? It's a yes or no question.

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