Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I looked through the pictures on my phone of what used to be. I was coddled in a random chair placed in my room thinking of what once was. I would miss my friends, and some of my family out there. This should be a fresh start for me, but I feel like it's just a disaster waiting to happen. I'm not going to like it out here, this is not my home. This is not my life. This is only temporary, at least I'd like to believe so.

I've lived in San Francisco my entire life. Now that I'm 16 my parents decide that they want to move to New York. Why couldn't they at least wait until I was 18 so I wouldn't have to go with them? I feel so cliche. A boy moves with his family to a big city, to a new school, hoping to start a new life. Why do we even need a new start? If only my dad didn't get a job offer. We were doing just fine with the money he has been making, but he always wants more. His greed will be the death of him. Our house here is about the same size as our old one, but my father says we'll move soon, into something .. More grand. That's the greed talking.

I stared out of my window hoping to see anything other than people and lights and buildings, but this is New York, I shouldn't get my hopes up. I groaned and threw my phone onto my bed. I start school today. I've never been afraid of school, even when I had gotten picked on for a year I wasn't scared. Yet somehow today is different. I'm anxious to get it over with; afraid of what the people are like here. These aren't my type of people, this is a whole new place, a whole new life.

I was already dressed and ready to go when my dad called me to come down the stairs. My mom must already be at work. She didn't get a job offer, but they did let her transfer to their location out here. I hope she's doing good. Mom's so sweet, she doesn't deserve to be treated badly.

My dad called a taxi for me, which I quickly hopped into while giving him the name of my school. Jackson High. Fog was building up on the windows, and cars were sounding all around me. I was quickly realizing that chaos was what this city really was. No big start, no dreams, just a way for you to slowly deteriorate your life. Traffic is terrible in a city that's always rush hour, and even in the early light of morn there was noise. How does my father expect me to like it here? Mom and I both didn't want to move here, but he's the man of the house and without him we'd be nowhere apparently. I love him, but he needs to brush his ego under the rug. "We here", yelled the taxi driver with an odd accent snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh - um thanks. How much?", I asked politely.

"Nothin. Yo father already paid me, tippin meh extra". Why would my dad do that, and where the fuck is this man from? "Now get the hell outa here. I got places to be, thangs ta do, sights to see".

"Well bye then", I said climbing out of the car. Isn't he rude? His job is to take me places take money and politely ask me to get out. Maybe this city would be perfect for my father, but me ... I don't think so. He pulled back into traffic with a skid. He's got places to be, things to do, and sights to see. I guess I do too.

I could easily see that this school had it's cliques. I was pretty sure that I'd fit into none of them. I rushed to the office with my head down, in hopes that no one would notice me. I didn't want any attention, it'd only bring new friends and new drama. The attendance woman called me over to get my schedule. She was short, chubby, and had curly black hair. She seemed to get irritated easily. There was about 5 other kids in the office. At first I thought they were new, until I saw them talking and laughing with each other. I'll never fit in.

"Just to give you a hint. Mr. Spielman is strict and doesn't take any attitude, so I advise that you stay quiet", she whispered over the counter. She gave me a wink after I thanked her. She was nicer than I thought she'd be.

This school seemed like it was filled with rich kids who were snobs, but I was probably wrong, because that's how I felt about every school. The first bell rang causing students to fill the halls; slowly walking to their class. Since I didn't know where mine was, I decided to rush to the class incase I got lost and had to go to a different one, so I wouldn't be late. Luckily this was the right one. I showed Mrs. Delly my schedule and she signed it. I gave her a small Thankyou smile and sat in the seat that she assigned me. Kids started filing into class, each and every one of them glancing at me. I heard a few whispers that I ignored. Of course I get talked about, who wouldn't have a great conversation about the new kid?

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