Chapter 12

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"Dean, pick up the phone. Call me back. I'm not kidding, alright? Don't do this, not like this." Sam had no choice but to leave a message when Dean would not answer his phone. A familiar feeling of apprehension was building up in his heart. You almost snapped out of a daze. "Are you sure it was Crowley?"

Sam thought about it for a moment. "Who else would he summon? I mean, he and Crowley have been bromancing over the blade ever since Dean got the Mark."

Tony had been watching you worry for the better part of the hour. It was eating away at him, the fact that he could not fix it all. "We're going to find him, (Y/N). I'm already scanning every traffic cam in the city to get a gist of his whereabouts." He pulled you into a hug which did little to comfort you. It was the only consolation he could offer.

"Hey guys, have you seen this? It's all over the internet." Clint strode into the room, tablet in hand which he immediately handed to you. A video was playing.

"And that, America, is perfection." A disembodied voice remarked as the camera followed a girl's butt down the road. Another boy, also off camera, laughed at the comment. "Yo, dude, that's your sister!"

"Clint, I'm sure you find incest hilarious but frankly, I don't have the time for this." You extended your hand to Clint so he could take the tablet back. However, he pushed it right back. "Bup-bup-bup watch it."

Suddenly, a car crashed into a woman and she lifelessly fell to the ground. The camera got closer. "Oh my God! She's dead, man! She's dead!" One of the boys screamed.

A small, shabbily dressed man appeared in the frame. "I'm not so sure about that." He bent down and healed the woman. A miracle had just taken place. He whispered something in her ear as he helped her up.

"Is he ser- is he freaking serious?" The other boy asked, still not believing what had happened in front of him. The first boy had moved the camera right up in the miracle-worker's face. "Did you see that? Holy... Tell me you just got that. Dude, what's your name?"


The screen went still as you continued staring at the familiar face. "Is that... Metatron?" Sam was taken aback as well. However, he quickly got a hold of himself. "Where was this taken?"

All in the name of Love (Supernatural x Reader x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now