Elena pulls out her curling iron and curls my hair so that it falls in gentle waves around my face. Then she pulls out a section and twists it before securing it in place with a beige flower clip. Then she does my makeup. Elena adds bronze eyeshadow over my eyes and black eyeliner. It's all really simple but does wonders to bring out my best features. Plus she does all of this in less than an hour.

"You could seriously become a stylist," I say in awe as I admire my reflection. It looks like me but like a Greek goddess version that I didn't know could exist.

"It's nothing," Elena says humbly.

I purse my lips and look at her through the mirror. "Humility doesn't suit you."

"Oh shut up!" Elena laughs. Then she throws me a dress. "Put this on."

I catch the dress she passes to me and hold it up against the mirror. It's a peachy salmon color made of flowy chiffon. Then there's a lace belt adorned with small diamonds.

"What's this?" I ask. I put it on, making sure to keep my back to Elena so she doesn't see my scar from the bullet wound. That would be hard to explain. I'm still trying to think of a good excuse in time for summer.

"I bought two dresses since I couldn't decide," Elena says. "It looks like it fits you."

I fix my hair and turn around to face Elena. Her lips part and for once Elena is speechless, but only for a few seconds.

"Wow I'm good," she whispers. I laugh and take out my phone to take a couple of pictures. We make funny faces at the camera as we snap some selfies.

The doorbell rings and I hear Jamie call Elena from downstairs. "Your friends are here!" she screams in a high pitched voice.

"Okay we're coming!" Elena shouts back.

"I'll just stay he--"

"Ridiculous!" Elena interrupts. "You're taking more photos."

I roll my eyes but know better than to argue with Elena. I follow her down the stairs in heels I borrowed from her too. I didn't think we were the same size but everything fits perfectly. Elena saunters to the front door and swings it open while I stay in the living room with Jamie.

"Hey Reid!" I hear Elena greet.

"You look beautiful," Reid tells her, sounding awed.

"Thanks," Elena says in a way that she so obviously knows how good she looks right now. "Aria come here!"

"Why?" I yell back. Jamie said she was going to bring cookies and I'm hungry.

"Just cause!"

I groan and force myself off the couch. I smile at Reid and glare at Elena as I pass. She points at the door, demanding that I open it, and I drag my feet forward.

"Why can't you open...Drake?" I exclaim when I swing the door open and see Drake standing there. I glance behind me in confusion. Elena is holding on to Reid's arm and grinning at me. That's when I realize she knew Drake was coming this entire time.

"Surprise," Drake says with a smirk on Elena's front steps.

I try to look angry at him for tricking me, but I can't stop staring at him. Drake just looks...wow. He's wearing a suit that fits him perfectly. It hugs the contours of his well muscled chest and shoulders. His hair is properly messy and just makes him even more attractive.

Drake places his hands on my hips, bringing me back to reality. I look up at his dark eyes. I've only seen them glowing this much once, when I told him I love him.

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