Meeting Bella

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I had a slight discrepancy in the last, so I wanted to clarify. Aro thought that Carlisle still lived in Alaska, but when Carlisle admitted living in Forks, Washington, that confirmed it.

Okay, on with the story :-D


When Carlisle got home, in less than a day and a half after he left, it was pouring rain outside. He was able to bundle a sleeping Isabella up enough so that she wouldn't get drenched. But when he got to his house in the forest, the rain really started coming down and it soaked her pink blanket, causing her to wake up in shock. She put her hand to Carlisle's cheek, shocking him. “Where are we?” she asked, and he heard the little girls voice in his head.

“We're in Washington, sweetheart. You fell asleep.”

They neared his house, but it looked nothing like the castle she had been in. It was more warm, and homey. And soon they were inside, Carlisle trying to rid the baby of her soaked blankets and clothing when his family walked in.

“Carlisle?” his wife said in a calm tone.

He turned around from the table, presenting little Bella to which they all jumped back from.

“An immortal,” Jasper hissed, hiding his mate from behind him. But he was quickly pushed away from her as she walked closer to Carlisle.

Looking back at Jasper, Alice said, “she's not least not fully. She still has a heartbeat. It's slow and vague, but it's there.” As she got to Carlisle and Bella, Alice waved at the beautiful bundle who quickly smiled back at her. Bella knew she'd like these people...they weren't dismal like the ones at her old home were.

Alice looked at Carlisle. “May I?”

Carlisle looked down at Bella, who nodded. Alice took her into her arms, spinning her around, causing the day old baby to giggle out loud in laughter, causing the rest of the family to smile.

“Carlisle,” Esme said to her husband again, walking over to him. “I thought you went to see Aro.”

“I did,” Carlisle said vaguely.

“And the baby?” Esme asked, watching as Alice threw the baby into the air, causing her to laugh even louder.

“Is Aro's daughter,” Carlisle answered softly, that only the ones not in on the game heard it. “Everyone, come with me to the cellar, to check on our blood bag supplies. Alice, will you keep an eye on Isabella?”

“Sure, Carlisle,” Alice said, already knowing, with her gift, what and who they were going to be talking about. As everyone left the room, they all heard Alice say, “I'm going to dress you up so pretty...” there was a pause, then Alice said, “Okay, no pink.”

Carlisle chuckled as he closed the door and followed everyone else down into his lab room, where he did check for blood bags and grabbed a few. As they put them into bottles, Carlisle told the story. “Aro impregnated a human he loved, which the birthing caused the woman to die in the process of it. The baby is the product of Aro and the human, but while she was being born, when Aro bit open her womb, he accidentally bit his daughter, Isabella. Either way, however, he would've had to give her up.” Everyone looked curiously at him then. He took an unneeded breath in, and then went on. “Aro has made a lot of creatures mad over the centuries...and mainly vampires. If one of them knew that he had a daughter, she would die too, and I couldn't do that to him...especially after I met Bella. She's already so amazing, and she's barely two days old.”

“Two days?” Rosalie asked in shock. “She has a full set of teeth. I thought she was at least nine months old!”

Carlisle shook his head. “She's not, and that's one thing that makes her special. But she's to be brought up like us. She'll have donated blood until she's big enough to hunt, and she will grow up thinking she's a Cullen when she's really the princess.”

Everyone thought about that, letting it sink in. The whole burden of this weighed heavily upon them, but Esme, who'd always wanted a child, stepped up to the plate. “I'm in,” she said softly, smiling at her husband, who kissed her in return.

Rosalie, who also had always wanted a baby, nodded her head. “Ditto for me,” she said, a slight smile playing on her cold features.

“Well, I'm definitely in,” Emmett, the biggest of the group said, looking intimidating in size while he was actually feeling protective over the baby, like an older brother. “I always wanted a little sister!”

Jasper looked at them all as he heard his wife upstairs, cooing at the inhuman baby. “Well, I'm in, otherwise Alice might kick me out and want a divorce.”

“No I won't!” They heard her scream, and they all laughed at that.

Edward, the last one in all of this, stood, hands in his pockets. Something happened when he looked at that child, and he, too, also felt the need to protect her, but not entirely in a brother-sister way. However, he knew at the same time, he couldn't lose her. “Well, I won't say no or that it's a bad idea, and it's a risk, but I'll do it.”

Everyone smiled at him as they went back upstairs, carrying about 10 baby bottles a piece, putting them all into the fridge, but one, which Carlisle handed to Esme. “We're going to be her mommy and daddy, so you might as well get used to this.”

Esme smiled, taking the bottle, and little Bella, and going over to the lazy chair, rocking the little girl as she fed her. By the time the bottle was finished with, so was Bella, as she drifted off into her new mommy's arms.


Short chapter, but I wanted to show everyone meeting her before moving on to the good stuff.

Hope you enjoyed!


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