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Sam didn't realize that she lost consciousness. She just remembered that once they entered the emergency room, she was panicking and had to make her calm down for it won't be doing good at all if she was freaking out. 

The doctor from before and Espero walked in and was happy to know that she awake now. "You're awake." Espero said, quite happy after the commotion earlier.

"Doc, what happened to my baby? Did I lost it? Is it still inside of me?" she asked, starting to panic again when the doctor told her to calm down. She assured her nothing serious happened to her baby.

"You're baby is safe now, Miss Hwang." the doctor said. She let out a long sigh of relief to know it was okay.

"Oh thank God then."

"Would you like to see your baby?" the doctor asked. She was confused on what she said. How can she be able to see her baby without taking it out inside of her? The doctor clarified that they will used a ultra sound to see the baby.

Espero stayed behind since he has nothing to do with the baby anyway but Sam told her to come along to see her baby.

"You see that?" The doctor pointed out the small circle. "That's the heart." 

"My baby's heart?"

"Yes..." the doctor told her some things about her baby's heartbeat and some other things that surrounded her baby. Sam seems not be listening anymore, just looking at at the screen, looking fondly over her baby. She almost cried in joy.

"There you go." The doctor gave her a copy after the procedure. Sam gladly take it, still looking at it. It felt she fell in love with her baby and wished to see it soon. 

"But there were some thing you need to remember, Miss Hwang. I advised that you stop from working and focus to your baby until you give birth. It seems that you will have a high chance to experience miscarriage if you won't be careful enough."


The word that every pregnant women dreaded to hear. Who wanted to experience that?

"Just stay at home and take plenty of rest. Then everything will be okay." 

As if she had a choice, of course she will do that in order not to lose the baby.

Since then, she stopped working for now and Espero was doing his best to help and watch for her. He cooks, cleans, accompany to her check-up and everything that normally a couple would do that were expecting a baby. 

Stephanie always comes to their house to watch over Sam as Espero requested. He always make sure that she has someone with her all the time. 

But today it was different. Stephanie won't be coming to their home because of work. So, she will be left alone if no one will accompany her. Sam thought of asking Ben for help but it seems he was busy at the moment.

With no choice left, Espero decided not to go to work today and accompany Sam instead. 

"You shouldn't done that. I will be fine all by myself." She said.

"Too late. It is 8:30 a.m. already.  I'm considered absent now." he said.

"You're doing too much for me, Espero. I suddenly thinking how to repay you back after this."

"You don't need to do anything to pay me back. Just do me a favor and take care of yourself and your baby." 

Sam was grateful for meeting him. If it wasn't for his help, who know what may happened now? He didn't ask for anything in return for every help he had done for her. Everything was free that she can't thank him enough. 

Maybe there is something she can do to repay him even in simple way. 

"Let me cook dinner tonight." she said.

"What? You know you can't do any heavy task." Espero said.

"I'll be okay. Just trust me." she winked at him and proceeded to go in the kitchen to start cooking for their dinner. Espero immediately followed her to the kitchen to stop her from doing to. She might hurt herself. 

"Look, you don't need to do it. Let me cook dinner for us." he insisted.

"No. I'll be okay. Just sit there and watch me if you are really worried for me." she said, pointing out the chair for him to seat. He liked to protest but Sam put her finger on his lips to stop him from saying anything.

"Just trust me on this, okay." 

"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." 

"Of course."

With that she started to cook while Espero seated from afar, watching her doing everything. He didn't glance away as she worked on it. A thought suddenly popped out that this is what it felt like to have a wife to cook for you. For the very long time being single, he wished something to happened something like this in the future. He would like to taste his wife's cooking.

"Dinner's ready." Sam said, turning off the stove and putting the content to the big bowl. 

"It smells delicious." he remarked. 

"Let's eat. Just think of this as a small gift for me." she shyly said, putting the food on the table.

"I thought you don't like to cook anymore."

"Yeah. Usually I only cooked for my boyfriend. But you are exception." she smiled and poked his nose. "So, shall we eat?" 

 Espero smiled and both of them sat down to start their dinner. It was indeed a delicious dinner and Sam had good cooking skill. His boyfriend was so lucky that Sam can cook dinner for him. He wished something like this in the future. But he never thought it will turn out to be real so soon. 


ongoing fanfiction:

forgotten [sowjin - taewon]

can you pretend to love me even when you are not anymore? he begs.

✔ Single Mother [SinHope]Where stories live. Discover now