siete - being good with kids has its perks

Start from the beginning

"I'll have to think about it," I eventually said and crossed the road, leaving him behind. But he soon managed to catch up to me even though I was walking in a very fast pace.

"What do you have to think about? I'm asking you for a favor and if you ask any of my friends you'll know that I never do that, you're privileged," he looked smug and I just wanted to wipe that expression off his face. Wow, one minute I'm all over his looks and the next I want to slap him silly. Maybe I was the bipolar one.

"Oh shut your face," I glared at him angrily. He laughed.

"Seriously, doing this is not helping your situation at all," I crossed my arms; glad to have something he needed, which was my help.

"Oh I'm sorry princess," he tried to act all innocent but failed.

"Don't call me princess,"

"Fine," he smirked, "princess,"

Oh my god. If he doesn't stop in the next five minutes, I'm going to have to kill him.

"Where are we going?" I sighed, desperate to change the topic. I didn't want to hear anymore of his jibberjabber.

"I think you know where we're going," he muttered as we walked along path. "But about that favor..."

"Ok ok, fine. Yes, I will help you, but I'm not doing it just for you, I also want to meet these siblings of yours, hopefully they aren't too obnoxious," I grinned, "like you,"

He beamed.

"Give me the low-down of your siblings. Are they noisy, quiet, hilarious, troublemakers...?" I hinted for him to go on.

"Let's start with the youngest," he looked at the sky, "her name is Rose, but we call her Rosie, she says Rose is a big girl name and should be used once she's older. Frankly, I agree. She's the sweetest, real mature for her age. She's four. She also knows exactly what she wants. She likes everyone, well everyone except for Rob, my mom's boyfriend. Did I mention he's a dick before? Cause he is one,"

"Yeah, you did mention him being a dick," I laughed a little, "Rosie sounds like such a nice little girl. Can't wait to meet her. It must suck being surrounded by such obnoxious boys 24/7," I joked a little.

"By obnoxious do you mean me?"

I ignored that question and asked him about Sam.

"Sam's really quiet, he doesn't speak much but he's bright and super intelligent. Gets nothing but A's at school you know. He doesn't have much friends, I feel bad for the guy," Lawrence frowned and picked at the grass by his feet, "I sometimes want to just punch the crap out of the people who bully him,"

"Why don't you?" I hate bullies, I myself was a victim of bullying when I was younger and although people say violence is never the answer, I don't really give a rat's ass about it.

"I don't because someone's already been doing it for me, and a lot better than what I would've done too," he grinned.

"Who is it?"

"Dean," and by the look on Lawrence's face when he said that name, I could tell he loved Dean, a lot. "Well, Dean's the typical teenager, thinks he knows everything about everything, but there's a soft side to him, he's super protective of Sam, he'd do anything for him to be honest, even if he wouldn't admit it himself. He wants to act all tough," Lawrence explained, "but here's a secret. If he won't listen to you, you can always threaten him by saying this, 'if you don't do blank, then I will tell Meg everything,' it works every time, just like a charm,"

"Ah, Meg is Dean's crush I'm guessing?" I sat down on the grass, the sun was still in the sky but it was about to go down. It was orange, a burning ball of orange that shone bright in the horizon. It shown down on us and casted shadows upon the grass and everything looked golden for a second. Even Lawrence.

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