tres - why can't i be more bodily coordinate?

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I could barely sleep that night. The thoughts about this Lawrence character kept me up past midnight, not to mention Olivia who just felt scarier as time droned on.

Finally I was able to fall asleep but it was late when it finally happened and I had work the next day, which just wasn't good at all. I needed my energy!


"Sweetie!" a hushed voice sounded by my ear and I felt a little nudge on my shoulder. I groaned, was it seriously morning already? I definitely did not get enough sleep.

"I'm up, I'm up," I said tonelessly once I had my eyes half open and I peered at my mom who was already in full uniform looking ready to work. "What time is it?"

"It's nearly eight and your shift is supposed to start at 8:45 so get going, I have to introduce you to the employees and set you up too, trust me, you're getting a late start for a first time worker, you're lucky. Oh, by the way, I left your uniform on your bedside table." and with that, she left.

I hopped out of bed and stretched a little. Then I pulled on my red and white-stripped 1980's styled diner uniform. I could stop thinking about how I felt like my hair should be teased and look like some 80's rocker.

The best I could do was tying it into a ponytail so my hair wouldn't fall into the customer's food. Then I'll get complaints and soon in a matter of hours I will be fired and will have nothing to do for the rest of the summer.

After I cleaned myself up and ate breakfast, I ran downstairs; I still had twenty minutes before the diner opened for business.

"Alice! You're here!" my mom welcomed me with a big smile. There were several people all staring at me when I walked in, talk about a dramatic entrance. Before I had a chance to say hi, my mom spoke up again, "well, as you all probably know, this is Alice, my daughter, she's going to be working here for the rest of the summer as well as the year, if all goes well that is,"

Several people snickered and I frowned.

"Anywho..." my mom paused as if to think about what to say next, "this is Rosemary," she pointed to the middle aged lady to the left, she looked friendly enough, the best part was that her hair was exactly like some 80's girl. All teased and puffy.

"John, Tim, Samantha," my mom continued to point at people until she finally reached a guy about my age with a dazzling smile and shiny black hair and glowing turquoise eyes. "This is Hunter, I believe he's the same age as you, he might even go to the same school as you,"

"Yeah you're right Kora, I'm going to Marine High, and so is Olivia here," he pointed to the girl beside him, "Is that where Alice's is going to?" Hunter's voice was deep but not too deep, it was perfect.

"Marine High! Yes! Wow would you look at that, you're definitely going to make friends!" my mom looked so excited for me but the only thing I could think about was the girl who stood beside Hunter with a slight sneer, Olivia.

Could this be her? It probably was. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back in loose curls and her green eyes stared at me intensely. I could understand what Tami meant yesterday when she said Olivia was the type of girl all guys lust after. So she was the girl who liked Lawrence. Still had no idea who he was, but at least I knew who Olivia was and I also knew I needed to watch my back while I worked.

"This is Olivia, she's also going to Marine High, I can't believe this, what a coincidence, don't you think Alice?" My mom shook her head in disbelief. Wow. She honestly has no idea what goes on in the world of the teenagers.

"Why don't you all go put on your rollerblades right now?" My mom instructed, everyone dashed towards the rollerblade shelf. I did the same and just as my eyes landed on a pair of size seven rollerblades a pair of hands reached out and snatched them right before my eyes. I looked up and saw Olivia staring down at me with a smirk. Did she seriously just do that? This was unbelievable, she clearly saw me looking at the pair. But I couldn't do anything about it now could I? So I grabbed the seven and a half sized rollerblade that was right beside the size seven pair. They were a half size too big and I was already horrible at balancing, let's just say it was a complete catastrophe when I put them on. It took me a full minute just to stand up properly without slipping and falling down.

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