cinco - enchanted to meet you

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While reading this chapter, you can listen to Enchanted by Taylor Swift!


I nearly chocked on my punch when Tami said those words. Him. The soup guy. The guy who probably hates my guts, my organs, everything about me, was staring at me? Please, give me a break.

"Wh-What?" I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "No way is that possible,"

So he was the Lawrence that kept me awake at night just thinking about who he was?

"What do you mean?" she raised an eyebrow and pointed at him, "him, he's Lawrence!" She smiled at him and he smiled back flashing a blinding white smile. "Here, I'll show you," she grinned at me, "Hey Lawrence! Come over here,"

"No Tami, stop," I hissed. Talking to him was the last thing I wanted to do right now but he was already making his way over here. I was so desperate to avoid him that I made a big ass lame excuse, "I-I need to use the restroom, be right back," I laughed nervously.

I quickly left before he could actually get to me. Why did I do that? I'm not usually this wimpy, I mean sure, I spilled soup on him but I apologized at least twice so that should make up for it right? It's not like I owe him or anything.

I leaned against the bathroom door after I got inside and just took a few deep breaths. I'll go outside once I'm ready; in the meantime, I should probably fix my hair a little. I thought to myself.

When I got to the mirror I laughed. What was I doing? Why did I even care what I looked like? It was Lawrence, oh shit, Lawrence. He was the guy Olivia like wasn't he? Olivia would stab me in the eyeball if I talked to him.

I applied a bit of make-up and flattened out my hair.

OK, I can do this.

But just when I was about to leave, someone came in, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh hi Alice," the one voice who I didn't want to hear sneered. I turned around and there was Olivia. Even though she was small and a bit shorter than me, her attitude made her seem so huge and it felt like she was looking down at me instead the other way around. "What a surprise to see you here,"

Her voice irritated me, it sounded like her nose was plugged and she couldn't speak properly or something. The dress she had on was black and it was very revealing, a lot more revealing than mine. But I could tell it was from some high end fashion store. Her heels were also really uncomfortable looking. Even with a four-inch pair of heels, she was still a full half-inch shorter than me.

"Hi Olivia," I gave her a half smile. Someone once told me that it doesn't matter how bad someone's attitude is towards you, always respond with a positive reaction. "Tami invited me,"

Olivia's blue eyes widened, "is that right?"

Oh crap, did I just get Tami into trouble?

"Well, yes. But I was the one that really wanted to come," I quickly added, but Olivia didn't seem to buy it. She just kept looking at me with the exact same look she gave me that day at the diner.

"That's nice," she simply said, which probably meant the opposite, "you going to Marine High?"

"Yeah, in September," I was really suspicious of her motive and her actions. What was she trying to do?

"Well, I sincerely hope you have a wonderful year," her smile looked evil and it was like invisible venom was dipping off her words. "By the way, quick question, do you know a guy named Lawrence, not sure if you've met him yet but he should be here right now. Not in the washroom obviously but somewhere in the house,"

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