On the Edge of a New Beginning

Start bij het begin

As he made his retreat, he became giddy. This is it!. Or not.. Izuku was midway from falling when he felt weightless. "Wahhhhhh! What the!?"

"Oh! Don't worry let me settle you down before I deactivated my quirk." And true to the girls word she did, just as quickly as she left and wished him a good luck.

Izuku was mesmerized. I just talked to a girl!

A while later he found himself questioning the stars above. Out of all the people to be seated next to, it just had to be him. But at least he wasn't the kid who bursted through the doors earlier, kid must've woken up late in the one day he shouldn't.

"Deku shut up I'm trying to listen to Mr.Loudmouth."

And true to Izuku's omega instincts he stopped mumbling about the heroes working at UA.

"Ok now! Hello Listeners! Welcome to the entrance exams! Everybody say HEY!"


"I love the enthusiasm..ehem." Present Mic was a bit flustered but no matter, he had an exam to introduce! "Ok so this is the exam. You'll be fighting some robots!"

Activate Izuku mumbling frenzy. Robots? This challenge should be doable for some. Though mental quirks are not going to do well. This exam is made for power. Kacchan can blast through with his quirk...Wait... Where does UA get the money for this? Anyways how am I going go about this? I barely got my quirk today. Barely enough time to get used it while my peers had their whole life to cultivate their quirks. I don't even know how to use or control this quirk... Sure just clench your butt cheeks and let it out.. But ughh. I can't just run around and play tag with some robots. I also can't freely use my quirk ,or I risk a serious injury. What good would I be if only have 1 move in my arsenal. I can't fist fight either. These are robots many times my size. Think! THINK! What are a robot's weakness? So the robots are either remote controlled. Or not, for testing purposes robots need to react to the different situations and it would take too long for a person controlling it to react. How about how are the robots activated. Either with a remote or manually. Knowing UA, they have to be prepared for worst case scenario, and that's the robot going out of control. So there has to be a way to deactivated this thing manually. There has to a panel somewhere. Can't be too high. If the robot went out of control, it'd have to be easily accessible. Maybe around the feet. Yosh. If I can find the panel I can deactivate the robot. My only problem is getting near a robot. There's going other people who I have to compete with. I have to get a head start. But what am I going to do if someone actually fight me for a robot. I can't fight and deactivate a robot at the same time.....

"And you over there with the curly hair!" Izuku looked up and shakily pointed to himself. Katsuki rolled his eyes and muttered a quiet 'typical Deku.' Meanwhile Izuku was wide eyed and questioning just what did he do this time!

"Please be quiet, you are disrupting. Honestly why are you here if you're not even serious in being a hero." Izuku was wide eyed as he looked at the stuffy looking teen. Me? Not serious about being a hero?? The stuffy teen went back to sit, in favor of listening to Present Mic's explanation. Izuku took a seat of shame and muttered a quiet 'sorry'. Katsuki scoffed and brought his attention back to Present Mic, ignoring the making of a certain sleep deprived panda boy in the back of his head, telling him to apologize.

"Well Listener! That is not a mistake, That robot it 0 points despite it being so huuuuuugggeeee! I'll let you decide if you want to fight it or avoid it.Your call. And now that explanations are done.... LET'S START THIS THING. You will be given out slips to which field you'll be in. Good Luck!"

Izuku was thankful to not be in the same area as Katsuki. But was disappointed to be in the same area as the stuffy boy who called him out. Yeah how about he moved over there.. And over there is where he spotted the girl who stopped him from making out with the the floor. So being the good citizen he was, started to venture over to her to say thanks. Or that was the plan before the stuffy boy stopped him.

"She looks like she's trying to concentrate. If your here to just play around, I advise you to leave now. This place is no place for people like you." the stuffy boy stopped his hand gestures and walked away. Leaving a shook Izuku.

Suddenly, a voice on the speaker yelled out a "Go." Izuku booked it. He had the go so he went. He needed as much of a head start as he can if he was going to pass. Now the people at the start were confused. But their confusion was answered with a "What are you doing! Go!"


"FUCK I'M LATE" yelled Shinsou. It was 7:30 am. The deadline to get inside UA for the exams was 8:00 am. Shinsou was royally screwed. Why of all days did he have to wake up late!

Well dear reader, let me enlighten you~

"Come on Shinsou. You telling me you still can't land a hit on me." Aizawa coolly dodged a kick from his pupil, "You're not going home till you get a hit in."

"Tomorrow is the damned exams. Aren't I supposed to be at home getting ready????"

"You are."

"How!" Shinsou received a kick to the side. That was going to hurt tomorrow. "You know what don't answer that."

By the time it was 10 pm, Shinsou still had not gotten a hit in. "Hurry up kid. I have places to be."

"I'm trying! Maybe if I got sufficient sleep I could land a hit. But because of a certain someone!" Shinsou put an emphasis on someone as he laid on the ground trying to gain his breath. Damn. I just wanna sleep.

"You have a long time to go. And your time shouldn't be used to complain. So get up and fight me."

"You're starting to sound like a certain porcupine I know." Aizawa gave a questioning look. "Never mind.. Hey is that a cat?"

"What?" Aizawa turned around, "..Huh.. No, there's no cat ther-"


"Get fucked!"

"Damn can't believe I fell for that."

"The enemy's weakness is meant to be exploited.. Right? It was a logical ruse~"

"Alright. You win this time. Now go home."

Stupid Aizawa! This is his fault. Though he felt smug for punching him. It was his fault! Speaking of the devil. As Shinsou got out of the house he got a text from him which stated "Good Luck problem child." Shinsou sighed. "I'm going to need it. Thanks sensei." he replied back.

Another Bonus!

Shouto treated his wounds from the fight with his.. Parental figure. He hated him. It was his stupid father's fault that his mom was in the hospital. All because of his stupid ego. Or was it his fault... If he hadn't been born his mother wouldn't have been triggered by him. But at least today's training was over and he had the rest of the day to himself.

And how did he spend this time?

By standing in front of the hospital where his mother was kept. He wanted to go in, but he couldn't. He was scared. Scared of what his mother would say..

It was getting dark, and his father would be back soon. Time for another training session. He sighed and made his way back home. The training session tonight will fill him with more cuts to help hide the ones he caused himself.

This was all Shouto knew.. And wondered if he'll ever be free of this burden of a quirk.

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