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The beginning, my past

Sasuke sped through the forest and front flipped onto the ground gracefully. Soundlessly speeding past the front guards and magically leaving a signed form on the desk. He stops jut right outside a red tower and looks up to be faced with his long term best friend, rival and -- needless to say -- lover. Him and Sakura fell out and Sarada stayed with him in the top floor of an expensive apartment. Sakura was fine for the couple of years until he found her bedding with another guy who she admits she loves more.

He ruffles his hair a bit and shunshined to the Hokage's office to be met with a hurricane of paperwork and a tired as hell Naruto slumped in front of his desk. The ravenette dropped the scroll he was holding and rushed to crouch next to the shorter blond. The blond blinked his hooded eyes and croaked out a mostly inaudible 'Sasuke'.

The raven softly lifted the blond's head to rest on his shoulder. Sasuke cradled the shorter's head and stroked the mop of blond. "What's wrong, Naruto?"

"A chakra lash. Someone was here." The blond sat up and leaned against the hard chest of the other. "He wants something."

The arm wrapped around the blond's head tightened by a bit and a kiss laid itself on top of Naruto's head. "He? Who's 'he'?" Onyx eyes narrowed dangerously at the thought of someone trying to harm Naruto again. "I need you to tell me, Naruto. I'll find him and execute him. No one gets away with injuring the Rokudaime."

A hoarse laugh and beautiful, royal blue eyes that twinkles every time it lays on something that makes them fond, looks up to clash with the dark abyss of Sasuke's. "Are you sure it's not because I'm your boyfriend?"

Sasuke cracks a smirk and playfully bites the button nose of the Hokage. "Whatever floats your boat." He pecks the bitten area. "You annoying." Another peck on the fluttering eyelids, "Adorable." Then another on the cheek, "Clumsy." At last, a long, passionate kiss pressed itself against the plush, soft lips of the blond. The blond's lips and the raven's move together in sync. A throaty moan escapes the lips of the blond. "Blonde."


Naruto and Sasuke walked down the street in comfortable silence. A small smirk played on Sasuke's lips and a soft smile graced Naruto's face, making him look younger than he should be. "Naruto."

A wind chime hum blessed Sasuke's ears as he looked towards the dazed Naruto. He stopped in his tracks and wrapped his arm around Naruto's waist and pulled him into his chest. A thud and a surprised squeak slipped out of Naruto's throat and Sasuke nuzzled his nose into Naruto's blond mop of locks.

"Leave your hair long. It'll look good on you." Sasuke murmured into the blond hair.

A melodious laugh resonated inside their bubble and Naruto looked up to face the taller man. He pecked his nose and rest his cheek against Sasuke's firm chest. "Really? If I recall, you prefer long haired people. It's not because it'll look good on me, ne?"

"The reason I said you'd look good with long hair is because I know you'd look good. Not because of my preference."

"Really?" Naruto fluttered his long, blond eyelashes and his blushed cheeks hid itselves in Sasuke's coat, his eyes downcast.

Sasuke kissed the mop of blond hair and smiled into it. "Really."

Naruto chuckled lightly and his eyes fell on Sasuke's godly face. He was envious of the masculine and sharp structures that stood with the ravenette throughout the years but placed it aside because he knew Sasuke still liked the chubs in his cheeks -- though, he shows affection by biting his cheeks as if it were Mochi and he teases the blond by calling his cheeks 'My Rice Cake' -- seriously though!

"If it looks good on me, it looks good on me."

"So you'll grow it?"

"No, of course not."

"Oh, disappointing."

"Oi, Sasuke!"


A blush spread across Naruto's cheeks and the elongated canines pierced into his lip.

"Don't you know sarcasm?"

Sasuke placed his hand underneath the cape and turned around to face the blond. Naruto's breath hitched and the pink on his face darkened.

"I don't know who this 'Sarcasm' is, but," he turned around, "I do know who 'Flirting' is."

Naruto stood there, mouth hung agape and he sucked it up and blushed even harder. He ran up to Sasuke and tried kicking Sasuke in the calf but Sasuke grabbed the foot and swept the blond off of his feet. In the end, carrying the blond bridal style.

"Sa-su-keee." Naruto drawled in annoyance.

The raven swooped down for a kiss until a shadow sped past them. The two groan and Sasuke let Naruto down gently. The two then sped off to chase after the cloaked intruder.

"That thing seriously killed the mood." Sasuke surprisingly complained.

"No shit." Naruto groaned again. "Fuck that guy."

"Naruto." A hum indicating the raven to start speaking. "That guy... does the chakra seem familiar?"

Naruto raked his brain and examined the chakra structure and feeling. His eyes widened and he looked at his shadow.

"It's him."

Sasuke stared straight ahead.

"Are you certain?" Sasuke drew out his sword. "I don't want to kill a random trespasser."

"Sasuke." Naruto snapped his eyes over to the taller man. "This one is correct. And besides, trespassers aren't allowed in the village so he should've been prosecuted instantly for the crime. Go, now!" Sasuke nodded and sped towards the hooded man, Naruto in tow.

He flipped over the dark cloaked man and stood in front of him, his sword drawn and before he knew, he looked frantically over to Naruto and used the lightning strike to zap the spot in front of Naruto's feet.

"Naruto! Don't come here!" Sasuke saw the bloodied hands grabbing the end of his blade and he let go then jumped away. "It's a trap!"

Naruto's eyes averted to the cloaked man once again and his eyes widened. The man was in control of the situation. "I will change the past and shape the future." The dark voice pummeled into his head. "You will be the sacrifice." Naruto saw how Sasuke was sucked into a portal and disappeared.


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