Big Adjustment

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(Dear Reader,

The initial three chapters of this work have been reimagined from a story I started many years ago but never completed. Upon revisiting it, I found that it felt a bit outdated and in need of significant revisions
- Misakisses 2024)

Chapter one - Big Adjustment

"I know this is a big adjustment" My mother said from the front seat of the car. This was more than a "Big Adjustment", this was my senior year of high school completely washed down the toilet.

"We should all be thankful Lawndale High was happy to have you transfer" my father said piping in as he drove.

My parents had been ripping out their hair trying to get me into Fielding Preparatory Academy, but in the end all their efforts had been for nothing. My parents hated the thought of me going to a public school, after all my years at St Mary's the most religious school in Dallas. But Fielding refused to accept me so close to the end of the year. At least school would only be a tiny memory, and I would soon be in collage.

Lawndale itself sounded like some sort of sad little town that was going to be the pain of my existence and just promote my parents very conservative views. I just got to keep telling myself that it's only for a couple of months.

Pushing deep breaths through my frustration, I stared out the passenger window, trying to tune out my parents' attempts to put a positive spin on the situation. The landscape morphing from familiar urbanity to the quiet monotony of Lawndale wasn't helping my mood. Each mile marker seemed to tick down the remnants of what I'd envisioned my senior year to be.

"This sucks," I murmured more to the window than to my parents, knowing that any complaint would be met with well-meaning but ultimately hollow encouragement. "It's just... everything was set, you know? I had plans."

My mother sighed, turning slightly to offer a sympathetic smile. "I know, honey. And your father and I are really sorry we couldn't stay in Dallas. But think of it as... a news adventure "

The town's welcome sign loomed up, the words "Welcome to Lawndale" adorned with images of happy, thriving families and community events—a stark contrast to the dark clouds settling over me.

"Maybe it won't be so bad," my father chimed in, his voice always a bit too cheerful when he was trying to convince not just me, but perhaps himself too. "New friends, new experiences. It's only for a few months."

As we drove through Lawndale's main street, the quaint shops and small-town charm did little to lift my spirits. The students I passed seemed to already have their own cliques, laughing and sharing jokes that felt worlds away from my reality. I already had trouble making friends, it took me nearly my whole high school life to have just one. There was no way I was gonna have friends here.

"Those teens look happy" My mother said pointing out the most perky looking cheerleaders I had ever seen "Maybe you could join the cheer squad"

That's was the last thing I wanted to do ...

The idea of joining the cheer squad at Lawndale High felt like a cruel joke, a stark reminder of how out of place I already felt in this new environment. The perky cheerleaders, with their bright smiles and infectious energy, seemed like a world apart from my own sense of disillusionment and isolation.

"Let's get settled in to our new home and order some pizza" my father said piping up again, he knew that mum was pushing her ideas on me again. She would have given anything to have a perky cheerleader as a daughter, along with beauty pageants and prom queen crowns.

The mention of pizza brought a small glimmer of relief to the tense atmosphere in the car. It was a simple gesture, but the idea of a familiar comfort like pizza in our new home offered a small sense of solace amidst the upheaval of our lives.

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