Who the hell does Tommy Sherman think he is?

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Chapter 3 - Who the hell does Tommy Sherman think he is?

The music class breezed by smoothly, free from any disturbances from jocks or popular kids. It was a sanctuary where I could relax and indulge in my love for music theory. The classical tunes in the background fueled my excitement as I worked through my theory book at my desk.

As lunchtime rolled around, I scanned the cafeteria for my Monique and Trent, but they were nowhere in sight. Disappointed, I joined the line for food.

"Hey city girl," Tommy's voice rang out from the front of the line, beckoning me over. The attention from him and the other students made me uncomfortable.

The whole line looked back at me and I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. Couldn't he just leave me alone, I was getting sick of this.

Tommy's taunting nickname and the attention it drew from the other students made me feel even more isolated and vulnerable. It was like being singled out in a spotlight of embarrassment, with no escape in sight.

Feeling the weight of everyone's collective gaze, I reluctantly made my way to where Tommy was standing, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. It seemed like no matter where I went, I couldn't shake off the unwanted attention that followed me like a shadow.

"Let me get you lunch" He said, pulling out an extra tray and started loading up on food. He didn't ask what I liked, just got me one of everything.

As he piled up the tray with various food items, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and skepticism. Was this his way of trying to make amends for his earlier behavior, or was there another motive behind his actions?

Tommy took out his card and paid for the food. "You stick with me, and you'll get everything you have ever wanted" he said smugly "Now come sit with me and my boys"

Tommy's sudden change in demeanor, offering to buy me lunch and promising to fulfill my desires, left me feeling uneasy. It seemed like a classic case of someone trying to exert influence or gain favor through material gestures.

As I looked at the tray filled with an assortment of food, I couldn't shake the feeling that there were strings attached to his offer. Was this his way of trying to assert dominance or control over me? Or was he genuinely trying to be friendly?

Despite my suspicions, I followed Tommy to his table, aware of the curious stares from my peers. I was torn between wanting to fit in and feeling like a pawn in Tommy's social game. The cafeteria fell silent as I sat down, unsure of how to navigate this unexpected situation.

"Boys," Tommy greeted, setting down my tray and his own at the table. The cheerleaders were also seated there, but Tommy appeared to be paying them no mind at all.

As I reluctantly took my seat at the table with Tommy and his friends, I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. Despite the seemingly friendly gesture of buying me lunch, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider among them.

"I love your outfit" one of the cheerleaders complimented, flashing me a smile. I glanced down at my snug outfit.

"Mini plaid is totally in right now," another cheerleader chimed in, offering me a sweet smile. "I'm surprised Bianca from the fashion club hasn't tried to recruit you yet."

The unexpected compliment from the cheerleaders caught me off guard, momentarily easing the tension that hung in the air. Their friendly smiles and genuine appreciation for my outfit made me feel a little less out of place at the table.

"Thank you," I replied, my voice tinged with surprise and gratitude. It was a small gesture, but it helped alleviate some of the discomfort I felt in this unfamiliar social setting.

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