10~ Haunting Past...

Comenzar desde el principio

A whimper found it's way to my ears...

I froze as realization hit me.


Too late.


Loud crying filled the halls and I quickly tried to comfort her, putting my pain aside for a second to tend to my most important person.

My daughter.

But she wouldn't calm down.

I looked nervously for her bottle.

I had left it back in her room...

I looked both ways and started toward her bedroom, grabbing a bottle filled with milk and putting it in her mouth for her to feed on....

I sighed in relief as she calmed down and closed her eyes, drinking the white substance.


I tensed and slowly turned around...

All of the guards were surrounding the door and my husband's corpse lay close to the stairs.

They had killed my husband and now I was surrounded.

And I couldn't do anything about it.


I squirmed as someone was shaking me...

I opened my eyes to find out I had been crying and Toffee's worried face was looking at mine.

It was a nightmare.

But it was real.

It was my past.

"Are you okay?"

'Could the scepter have caused me to have these horrible flashbacks?'

'Has my past come back to haunt me?'


"Y-Yes. Just a nightmare."

I quickly wiped my eyes and sat up, furrowing my eyebrows...

I cleared my throat...

"Any word from our 'Spy'?"

-Star's POV:

"Come on! We're halfway there!" Tom called from in front of us...

Kelly had stopped to rest by a rock, and Marco was panting heavily.

He looked like he was about to collapse and fall into the mud.

Even I was begging to grow tired.

The route to Eclipsa's fortress had changed since the last time we were there.

But it could be that they just moved locations.

We had gone in the same forest as last time, but this time, instead of her fortress being in the forest, It was beyond it.

The landscape had grown harder to walk on and had become more steep.

Less tress were in sight, making the sun break down on our skin more.

The heavy armor and weapons were not helping either.

"C-Can't we just *pant* stop and *pant* rest?" Marco asked...

"Yeah, Tom. Let's take a break."

Tom sighed but complied....

Marco graciously accepted and sat down on a fallen log, taking out a water bottle from his bag and chugging it down in one go.

I laughed a little and sat down next to him....

I heard a small growl come from near but I paid no attention to it.

It was probably just a wild animal or something.

-Tom's POV:

Why is she sitting next to him?

Why can't I be the one next to-



Why did I growl?

Nobody seemed to notice.

That's good.

I shook my head.

I thought I was over this already.

This jealousy.

I guess not....

I sighed and leaned on a tree, making sure to control my emotions so that I don't erupt in flames.

I don't want to start a forest fire....

I need to focus on the task at hand.

They will never see my plan coming.


A glimpse into Eclipsa's past!
My Eclipsa's past will be a bit different than from the show's, as you can tell 😂


Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora