• Griff is in the House (and Ash)! (P1) •

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I heard a loud knock on my door as Bertram called, "Hurry up! The limo is here to take you to summer camp!"

"Coming!" I grumbled, sitting up in my bed to rub my eyes. They took a long glance at my room, since I'd be gone from it all summer.

I tried to take in my whole room, but my eyes kept darting back to that one drawer.

I accepted defeat, standing up and opening the drawer before pulling out my adoption papers.

Ashlyn Ross. My name. Looking down the paper further, my eyes landed on the word 'juvenile delinquent'.

It was three years ago that I last saw him.


My partner in crime, literally. We stole together. Like, a lot. And when we were caught, before we were separated into two separate police cars, before the last time I saw him, Griff gave me a bracelet to remember him by.

I still wear it, for old time's sake I guess.

Sighing, I shoved the adoption papers back into my drawer. I had to get ready for camp.

Camp. Just thinking about it made me nervous. My siblings all went last year. They...loved it, to say the least.

"And remember don't call or write!" Bertram exclaimed excitedly.

I grabbed my bags before stepping out of my room to be faced with Zuri and Ravi, two of my siblings.

"I know we are late but Mrs. Kipling cannot decide which chew toy to bring!" Ravi raved.

"Can't she just chew on the campers like she
did last summer?" Zuri asked him.

Ravi smacked his lips. "No. It turns out, parents tend to get peeved when their children
come home with no thumbs."

Zuri rolled her eyes.

"I get peeved when you come home at all." Bertram sighed. "Ok bye! So long!"

Bertram pushed Ravi, Zuri, and I towards the stairs. "It won't be the same without you!" He chuckled. "It'll be better!"

"Mrs. Kipling!" Ravi exclaimed. "Her chew toy."

We began to walk upstairs. "We almost forgot Mrs. Kip-" Ravi trailed off as we saw
Bertram dancing to music with confetti in the air. "Really?" I asked sarcastically.

"That's just cold." Zuri snapped.

hello! this is the edited version of this first chapter! much better in my opinion!


 𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 💕                                    (GRIFF JONES X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora