Who dis part 2

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Chris POV

Last time on who dis

I went outside and put me feet in the pool . I realized that I was the only one out there . Heard foot step be hide me and sat next to me . I looked over and saw Chris . I was about to get but he pulled me down.

Chris : I'm sorry

I was about to try my second attempt to get up

Chris : Just hear me out

Lena : I don't have all night

Chris : look baby I'm sorry ok . She was a f*ck buddy . She wasn't some one I love .......you are . Just come home .

Lena : Hello dummy tengo muchos uno

Chris : Say that again

Lena : No learn your boo language

Chris : Oh we together

Lena : Haha really cute pretty boy no

Chris : How about you come with me on tour and be my girl just for that time and when we come back we friends or if you change your mind we together

Lena : Chris I don't know

Chris : or me and you leave California and go to Jamaic and I don't think I could swim around in a or Hawaii and spend time with me for a month

Lena : Chris I-I don't know I'll be back

I walk towards August and stood in front of him

Lena : Yes August

August : I thought y'all were though

Lena : We are Mr . I want go home with Lena

August : Damn ma you know wats going on in my mind . I like that ma

Lena : bye

August : Aye b*tch get your a*s over here

Sean : What the F*ck you call her

August : Sean stay out of this

Chris : Naw August you calling a lady a B*TCH , naw I advise you to get the F*CK

Lena : Chris Sean do- * collapsed on the floor *

I started to see blackness and I was holding Chris hand . My hearing stared to muffle. I look at Chris and Sean and blacked out

Chris : Damn someone call 911

When the ambulance came they had took Lena away and I told Sean to drive my car to the hospital . They put Lena in ambulance and I was luckily enough they left me on .I hoped in back of the ambulance and they drove off . I was watching them put all these tubes in her and in the machines . When we got there they rushed her inside .

Nurse : Sir you have to wait out side until we get her stable

Chris : Fine

I sat in a chair and decide to go to the store to get something to eat . When I came back August was trying to get in and the nurse wouldn't .

Nurse : Sir clam down

August : No you shut the F*CK UP

Nurse : Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave

August : That my girl

I walked over to him grabbed him and took him outside

Chris : I got 3 problems 1. that's a lady you talk to 2 . This is a hospital and your not a thug 3 that's not your girl so back off

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