Prolouge -The Cigar That Started Everything

Start from the beginning

"I-it's not. It's just a brand new cigarettes that never been sold before! It was aimed at both men and female, the pink color is just an attempt to attract more female smoker or customer to try it cuz it's brand new. It has different variations of colour if I'm not wrong but I just have the pink one for now!" The girl tried to make out an excuse and once again, curse in her heart. Normal people won't even need to think twice to know that this is straight out bullshit that she just spilled out of her mouth. But thankfully the man in front of him is too stupid to care.

"Piece of shit... Useless trash... Now scram away you pathetic excuse of life being!" The man said as he kick the girl one last time before moving on.
The girl stayed on the floor for a while. Looking over at her bruise and injury. She looked toward the direction where the man go.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stupid mass of muscle he is!" The girl laugh hysterically as she held the broken cigar that she snap before.
The man continue on his own way to meet up with his friends.
Greeting them and a few pats on the back, the man continue his life as usual.
He search for his cigarettes that were usually located in his pocket, before noticing that there weren't any.
Frustrated by the fact, the man asked for his friend's cigarettes yet they told him they didn't have any too.
"Goddammit you broke loser!" The man said to his friends as he gave up on asking them for any.

"What! You didn't have any too you jerk!" His friend retort back.
Suddenly he was reminded by the cigarettes that the girl from before gave to him.
"Guys take that back, I'm not broke like you guys... I have my own cigar! Want one?"


Falu's POV
I ran down the street as I check through my phone.

From:Master :3 (lol)
Where are you? Don't tell me you're asleep again! As my butler you should be ready at anytime!

To:Master :3 (lol)
Waaah wait a minute master! ( ; - ;) I'll take a shortcut don't worry!

From:Master :3 (lol)
Be quick or I'll just start eating without you! ( +-_-)

"Aah!! I'll never get there in time! What should I do!? She'll be so pissed!" I looked around the area to search for a possible shortcut when I then noticed a narrow street.

"Hmm... If I'm not wrong... this street leads right into the city but because of it condition, only small few use this route... It's known to be used by some thug as a hang out spot... But it leads right into the city though! It's a shortcut! But it's dangerous!... Well she won't be mad if i late a few minute... Right?"
Suddenly my phone started to ring again. I opened the lock screen and saw a new message.

From: Master :3 (lol)
If you late even a few minutes I'll cuff you again ( +-_-) don't even think of getting late.

"...Well... It seems like this is the right path then" I thought as I ran to the narrow street.
I continue to run as I observed the street. The street was in a pretty bad shape with a few cracks on the road that's definitely not safe to ride through with a motorcycle.
"Ah I just need to turn this way and-" I was stopped when a hand suddenly grab my shoulder, looking back, I saw a man with a scarred face with a few other men behind him.
I was frozen solid in fear when the man started muttering something.
"He... p..." The man mutter out a word I couldn't quite catch as he panted.
"W-What do you want?" I asked, a bit stuttering.

"It's ...the C... garrete" Suddenly his hold on me got a lot harder it started to hurt when suddenly his body... started...Shrinking?! What the!? This man is shrinking! What the hell!?
I watched in horror as the mans body started to shrink to a childlike structure of a girl.
His hair started to grow long and fluttered behind him.
I stood frozen as I watched the transformation unfold. The man... No... The girl now sat on the ground cross-legged, while wearing a shirt that's way too big for her.
"Nico? Uh wha-?"
"Nico Nico...TINE!"
And I let out the biggest scream in my life.


A girl was sitting on top of a high building, looking below at the surge of people walking around.
"Uhm let the plan of turning humanity start now! Let this be the turn point on human history as the darkest yet the brightest moment ever! And it will be known as..."
The girl stood up and turn her back. As if she was turning her back toward the people below her. Toward all the human on this world. Turning her back toward humanity in hope of a better one.
"Let the Nicopocalypse start now~"

To be continued...


Shoutout to keitsune for the amazing cover and AuliveSofya too.~


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