"I mean... guess yeah..." silence again.
"May I ask you a personal question?" Connor asked. The second one in under 12 hours.
"Why were you sympathetic towards the android? It killed a human. While you did not know the victim, humans get attached to their own. Why would you defend it?" Y/N wasn't sure how she felt about Connor repeatedly saying the word 'human'. But she admitted it would be how he felt when people said 'androids' if he could feel that is.

"It wasn't about what he was or what he did... It was what he endured. What his 'master' did to him. I can't bare to see someone get treated like that. No matter who - or what-  they are." Connor began looking at Hank's desk. Y/N could see the curious look in his eye. He always wanted to know more. "If you want to have a sneak peek I won't tell anyone. I can see how much you want to know about him. He's a very personal man. You might not get another chance like this." Connor looked at her to see if she was telling the truth.

"It would be helpful for the case if I knew more about the lieutenant." Y/N nodded in agreement. "It would also be helpful if I knew more about you."
"Everyone seems to know a lot about me. Even when I don't want them to. Sometimes they know it before I even know it myself." Y/N sighed. Connor looked at the marks on her arms. She had multiple scars from self-defense and the bone in her right arm had healed incorrectly. To the human eye, the arm looked fine, and it probably didn't cause her any pain, but he could see there was something wrong with it. It was probably related to the scars. Nothing in her files had an explanation. He searched them multiple times in case it was a glitch but each time he found nothing. Someone must have hidden the answers.

Y/N went back to reading the files of the deviants as Connor began to look at Hank's desk learning all he could from the pictures and trinkets.
"Red Ice," Connor said out loud. Y/N pretended not to hear him. Connor gave a quick look at Y/N. He knew there was something about the drug that got her on edge. Right now she was hiding it well. Connor looked closely at the picture of the task force. The year of the investigation linked with the date that Y/N began to live in the community home. Maybe something happened to Y/N that involved the Red Ice task force. He would look into it further later. A sigh signaled that Hank had arrived.

"You are here earlier than I would have expected Hank." Y/N laughed sipping her very cold coffee.
"Which number coffee is that?" He narrowed her eyes at her. "I'm surprised your blood isn't brown."
"It's the first one I've drank since I got here. I promise. Connor can back me up on this, right Connor?" Y/N gestured to Connor.
"Ah, Jesus, what's it still doing here?" Hank asked as he pushed past Connor to sit at his desk. 

"While it is true that I have only seen Y/N consume one coffee since my arrival. Given the level of caffeine on her breath, she must have consumed another cup before I arrived. Given the lack of cups on her desk, I can assume she drank the first one at home confirming she has drunk two cups of coffee today." Y/N blinked at Connor. Both impressed that he had figured that out and mad that he had ratted her out like that. She took an angry slurp of the Coffee. Hank chuckled to himself. 

"Oh don't be mad Y/N," Hank said. "He's just telling me the truth. Plus. You can't stay mad at a face like that for long." Hank raised his eyebrows. Y/N's eyes widened and a blush went up to her cheeks. She didn't realize that Hank knew about her... extended glances at the android. She wasn't the first person to be attracted to an android and she wouldn't be the last. As she told herself last night. There was no such thing as an 'ugly' android.

"Officer Y/L/N. Are you alright?" Connor asked. "Your temperature seems to be rising but you show no symptoms of a fever."
"Oh, she's fine alright." Hank chuckled again. Y/N glared at him as she tried to stop the blush from reaching her cheeks.
"Hank! Y/N! In my office. Now!" They looked over and saw the captain was beckoning them to enter his glass room. With a sigh, Y/N stood up and followed Hank. Behind them, Connor came also. They sat down on chairs in his office and Connor stood behind them with his arms clasped in front of him. He was almost like a statue. He could stand there for hours and never get tired.

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