
15 2 4

✓account name: 8/10
simple, but i like it. your ultimate bias, i assume? (i hope i'm using that correctly, i don't really use that term ever, haha)

✓username: 10/10
something about your username is really cute and sweet and i just love how it sounds!!

✓icon: 9/10
a super cute pic that matches your theme!

✓header: 10/10
simple header that fits your profile well. usually, i'm not a fan of words/quotes in the header, but the words fit perfectly into the gaps between the icon and username and you can actually read them! great job finding such a perfect picture!

✓bio: 9/10
i love the quote, the spacing of your bio, and the information. it's short and sweet!

✓location: 9/10
aww this is cute and it made me laugh! (for some unknown reason lol)

✓theme: light blue
+1 bonus point

✓total: 56/60
I love your account! the light blue theme is super cute, and your score reflects that! you don't have any books right now, but if you were to make some, i would suggest making the covers light blue (obvi) and maybe try to find the same font from your header and just make them really simplistic. anyway, great work! it was really fun to rate your account!

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