
19 2 2

Account Name: 9/10
I relate... a lot, sadly. But the flowers make it look cute!😂😂

Username: 8/10
Great song. Really fun to play on the piano🙃🎹 but yeah I kinda wish my heart was more elastic and less glass & breakable. Rn Matt Bomer has half and my hot health teacher has the other lol whoops #sorrynotsorry

Profile Picture: 8/10
Side-eye game STRONG! But like same tho

Background: 8.5/10
Cute theme we got going on here😊😊

Location: 10/10
I can just imagine someone popping out from under Fergie's bed like "surpRISE BITCH WHO'S FERGALICIOUS NOW??"

Location: 10/10I can just imagine someone popping out from under Fergie's bed like "surpRISE BITCH WHO'S FERGALICIOUS NOW??"

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Covers: 10/10
Gurlllllll the pink aesthetic is killing me it's so goooodddddddddd😩😵

Total: 53.5/60
You're account is super duper cute and I love it!! Goals af elastichearttt

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