I'm Not Capable

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Arjun called her immediately and she picked up.

" Hello. Arohi what was that message for? Now what's this new drama? "

" Take it as drama Arjun. This time I'll prove my words. "

" You are not doing anything Arohi. Where are you? "

" Why? "

" Arohi. Dare you take any wrong stop. "

" What will you do then? Rape me again? You have already killed my soul. Rape my dead body this time. "

" Arohi just shut up. Tell me where you are? Same hotel right? I'm coming. "

" I am unable to take another round of tortures, humiliation and accusations from you. My patience is over now. Bye. "

" Arohi!!... "

She hung up the call.

" Aghhh... Arohi... Why don't you listen to me? "

He immediately started to the same hotel where Arohi was residing before. He managed to get her room no and duplicate keys due to his contacts with the manager.

He ran towards the room door which he found already open. His heart was thumping fast.

" Arohi.... I hope you haven't done anything stupid. "

He opened to see an unexpected view. It was Akhil already present there. Arohi was crying profusely resting her head on his shoulders. Arjun got angry.

" Can I know what you're doing here Akhil? "

" No... You lost that right. Otherwise you would have been there in my place. "

" I don't need to waste time arguing with you. Can I speak to her for some time? "

" Why? You humiliated her in public by raising the fertility topic? Was that needed Arjun. She would have ended her life had I not arrived on time. "

" Leave her Akhil. "

He left her and walked to him.

" Why? You're jealous? Why so insecure? You are anyways marrying Riya tomorrow. Then who are you to boss around in other woman's life. Do you think of her as your property that you behave with her anyway you like? She is a human being unlike you. Do you understand Arjun? Treat her like one. "

" I don't need to hear that from you. You may leave. "

" Yeah. Like her life you own her room as well. Isn't it? "

" Akhil... I'm requesting you. I wanna have words with Arohi. My wife. "

" Your ex wife. You're divorced if you forget that I am reminding you. "

" Hear me loud. My legally wedded wife. Is there anything more to say? Leave us alone. "

He left the room.

He walked to Arohi, who was again in fear seeing him approaching her.

Before she opened her mouth to speak Arjun gave a hard smack on her face.

" What do you think you were going to do ah? "

" Yes. Only this is left. Kill me. Finish me. I'm tired of my life. Never thought I have to suffer this much for loving you. What I used to be and what you have made me? A smart, bold and courageous lady has ended up being a crying, helpless and dumb woman. All because of my love towards you. But you have not changed even a bit. You're the same old playboy who's never satisfied with one woman. You philanderer. You never loved me. I was just a bed partner for you. You were fed up of me so ousted from your life by making excuses of your Dad. You couldn't move on had you loved me. "

Arjun gently pulled her by back closer to him.

" Are you done? Anything left to say? "

" You haven't left me capable of saying anything. What shall I say? I'm dead inside. I don't feel like living anymore. "

" Why? Can't you live without me? " he asked moving his hands through her hair.

" I won't answer you the same thing every time. "

" I want to listen and you are going to say. Tell me " he pulled her closer and whispered.

" I have been living without you for two years just on the believe that you would return someday. Even when I got to know you have got a girlfriend I wished you will realise your love. But tomorrow is your marriage. I can't live with this pain anymore. It really hurts. "

" Why did you love me so much? I never gave you happiness. Then why? What do you want from me? "

" I want only your love and loyalty. Just an assurance that you would be by my side for life. Trust me Arjun. I don't want your property or your money. I can stay in slum with you. I don't want anything else. " Arohi clutched his shirt and cried.

" But I'm not capable of giving that particular thing you want from me. Arohi... I can't return you the love and happiness you gave me. I'm not worthy enough. I might be rich but I'm poorer than you in that regard. "

Arohi was confused and gazed at his moist glistening eyes to look for the answers of the questions running in her mind.

priya_nishal Fast update on your request. Happy ya?

Thanks for your positive response all my dearest readers. I was being unsure of how my previous updates would turn out to be. But you guys supported me. ♡

PLAYBOY TO POSSESSIVE LOVER: His story to her story💖Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ