His failure

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Arjun arrived office late. He asked his PA about the clients.

" Sir, they waited for you for 2 hours. They had to take a leave to catch their flight to Europe. "

"Damn.. Arohi... It's all because of you. "

He went home early.

" Dhonds, get my room decorated. "

" What kind of decoration Sir? "
Arohi entered the room.

" Make it romantic. "

" Okay sir in an hour it will be done. "

" Oh god, what is he planning now? Is he planning to do something with me? " Arohi thought.

Arjun walked to her and whispered in her ear.

" I'm sorry babe. You are not the lucky girl tonight. I have missed the deal with an important client. But I got the number of his daughter. She's coming to our house. You see...I never give up. " he winked.

" What baby, feeling awkward. Well get used to it. You have married Arjun Singhania. Right? Stay strong." He taunted her again.

After two hours that girl arrived. They had a dinner date together excluding Arohi.

" Now shall we walk upstairs? There's a surprise waiting for you. "

" Naughty boy... Let us go. "

When they entered the room Arohi was standing there near the bed.

"Baby, who's this girl? And what is she doing in your room? "

"Her status is nothing more than a servant. Let me through this maid out of my room. "

He hold her hand and pushed her out of the room.

" Good night wifey " he winked at her and slammed the door.

He started unbuttoning  his shirt.

The chick moved backwards  and made herself comfortable on the bed.

In no moment she slipped backwards and fell on the floor of the other side of the bed. One leg of the bed was broken. Her legs were still lying on the bed. 😂

" Good night husband " Arohi  giggled hearing the sound.

"Damn.. What the f**k..You called me here to make a fun of me you son of b***h. I will finish you. My dad won't ever sign any project with you. You m****rf****r. "

" Hey you bimbo...Enough of you. Buzz off.. No one talks to me like that. "

She opened the door and stormed out in anger. He followed her and threw her bag on her to which she stumbled and fell. She got up again and left.

Arohi witnessed the whole scene and cracked up as soon as she left.

"So it was you? You spoiled my night. Now you will make it. "

He carried her, threw on the couch and got on her top.

" I can rape you here. No one can stop me. You have dug your own grave. Now be my prey for the night. "

" I have prepared myself already. I know I can beat you in every manner but not in physical strength. God has given men more of it to protect woman and not destroy them. It's upto you Arjun. You want to rape me. Go ahead. This is not the first time. You had already destroyed by soul long ago. Now my body is left. "

He got off and pulled her by her hair.

" I still have little mercy left on you. Hence I'm warning you to stay away from my life. Today you messed with me. "

" I don't need your mercy Arjun. Let the fight go on. Let us see who wins. "

" As you wish dear wife. But right now you're not prepared enough to challenge me. You're scared of dark no? Why don't you have a fight with the dark first? Then come to me."

He pushed her into the basement and locked the door from outside.

" Arjun, Please open. I'm scared. I really am. Please. "

" Apologize first. "

" Please let's talk about it later. Just get me out of here. "

" Good night wifey. "

He went to sleep amidst her screams.

At night, he heard the calling bell ring.

" Mom Dad have arrived already. "

He went downwards.

" Dad, I need to tell you something. I missed a very important deal today and the... "

" Arjun please. Let's talk about it later? We are hell tired. Good night. " his mom insisted before they went to their rooms ignoring him.

" Later when? You people never had time for me..." he spoke in mind.

" Where's that Arohi. Yeah...I remember I had locked her in the basement. But why isn't she screaming anymore? Has she slept over there only? Lemme check.. "

He opened the door and got threatened by the sight.

" Arohi? "

Thanks for reading 😁 Sorry not able to reply anyone. But I'm reading your comments. Keep encouraging me like that 😘

PLAYBOY TO POSSESSIVE LOVER: His story to her story💖Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ