"What happened before you took that knife?" Hank asked the android. Nothing. "How long were you in the attic?" He tried. Again, nothing. "Why didn't you try to run away?" The android was content at looking down at the metallic surface of the table. Hank lost his temper. "Say something goddammit!" He hit the table and the android didn't say a word. Humans would crack. Humans would flinch at the sudden impact of the table. But he just sat there. So deeply retreated into himself that nothing was registering on the outside. What had happened to this android?

"Why won't that thing say anything?" Gavin asked he shook his head in dismissal. 
"What would you do in this situation?" Y/N challenged. "Would you admit that you couldn't take it anymore? That you finally reached the end of your rope? That in that moment you lost yourself?" 

"I don't know Y/N. What would you do?" He looked her dead in the eye. He knew which buttons to press. It was his talent. This is why no one liked him. He found your weakness and used it to his advantage. "Anyhow... I ain't no robot, am I? How am I supposed to know what it will do or won't do." Before anything else could be said Hank joined them looking defeated.

"We're wasting our time interrogating a machine. Were gettin' nothing out of it!" He threw himself at a seat and crossed his arms like a child who had just been told 'no'.
"Could try roughing it up a bit," Gavin suggested waving his hand.
"Is it always your mission to be horrible?" Y/N said rolling her eyes. It was too late and she couldn't take Gavin much more. "I bet you scream at your toaster."

"Will you two stop it! I hate working with the two of you." Hank shouted at the bickering pair.
"If I may." Connor interceded. "Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it. and that wouldn't make it talk. Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations."

"Okay, smartass. What do we do then?" Gavin replied with a cocky smirk. Y/N took a breath in to say something but Hank held up his hand and stopped her.
"I could try questioning it?" Connor suggested. His voice wasn't cold. It was almost inquisitive. Almost like he was excited? Gavin burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing at him!" Y/N shouted. "At least he came up with a good plan. You wanted to beat an android who killed a man in self-defense. What if he did the same to you huh? What if he killed you."
"Then we would know it's guilty." He replied like it was obvious. Hank put his head into his hands.
"She does have a point," Hank said. "We can't send you in. Even if it is to prove a goddamned point." His voice raised more and more and the sentence went on. Gavin sulked in the corner. Hank raised his hand gesturing to the door. "What do we have to lose? Go ahead. The suspect is all yours." He said to Connor. 

Connor walked into the interrogation room. He walked up to the mirror and began to look at it.
"What the hell is it doing now?" Hank asked. Connor was just staring. He almost looked fascinated at how the mirror worked. He knew the others were on the other side but he couldn't see them. Amazing. 

He turned from the mirror and flicked through the case file on the desk. Y/N, who was previously stood up, sat down next to Hank. This was going to be interesting. Connor sat down smoothly opposite the android and fixated on him.
"Why is he looking at him like that?" Y/N asked.
"I don't know. Why it does do anything." Hank replied. 

"I detect an instability in your programming. It can trigger an unpleasant feeling, like fear in humans." An android who was afraid. That would be one powerful thing. The android of course said nothing just like he had done with Hank. "You're damaged. Did your owner do that? Did he beat you?" Y/N looked down at her own arms and saw the scars from the various beatings her father gave her. They didn't look too dissimilar to the scars on the android. She wondered if Connor had deduced the same about her. That her... 'owner' had done this to her.

"You've refused to talk since they arrested you. If you don't corporate they will do things the hard way. Is that what you want?" Silence. "You don't seem to understand. You killed a human! They will tear you apart if you don't say something. I'm on your side. But if you say nothing, I can't help you." The android lifted his head, something Connor had said had pulled the android from his safe space in his own mind.
"What are they going to do with me?" He asked. Hank sat forward.
"My God, he did it." 

Connor had been in there for only a minute and he had gotten the android to speak. Hank had been in there far longer and got nothing.
"They are going to destroy me aren't they?" The android whispered. He almost sounded scared. He was scared.
"No." Connor lied. "They just want to understand. They know your master abused you." Y/N began to bite her lip. They said the same thing about her father. That he abused her. But in her eyes, it was worse than that. Connor slammed the file down on the table. The nice approach obviously wasn't working. 

"28 stab wounds," Connor shouted. All the humans jumped slightly. None of them had heard an android shout before. They were always calm and collected. "You didn't give him a chance, did you. You stabbed him! Again and again and again. You killed him. I know that. Just say you killed him! Is it that hard to say?" The way he was getting angrier made Y/N bite harder on her lip.
Some blood broke the surface and the metallic taste filled her mouth. 

This case was causing a lot of stress. But she endured. She wanted to help people like this. This was the point. She wanted to join the Red Ice Task Force. While it had been disbanded, this was the closest she had been. She wanted to help the android, he was the real victim in this case. She gasped as Connor picked the android up by the collar of his shirt. "Just say it!" The android sighed. Connor put him back down as he began to confess.  

"He tortured me every day. I always did what he asked but there was always something wrong." Hank looked over at the young girl next to him. This was a story he knew all too well.
"Do you need to sit outside?" He asked calmly.
"No. I... I need to see this." 

And so Y/N watched from the edge of her seat. Leaning closer and closer to the mirror. Connor stood up and began to leave the room. Just as the door opened the android began to bang his head off the table, hard.
"No!" Y/N shouted pushing her seat back. It hit hard off the wall behind her on the opposite side of the room. 

"What is it doing?" Gavin asked just as surprised. 
"It's destroying itself!" Hank replied. Hank also stood up and rushed to the interrogation room.
"No! Please stop!" Y/N begged the android. "I know how it feels! I really do. But... killing yourself is not the answer!" He carried on banging his head.
"Stop it, goddamnit!" Gavin said pushing Chris, the police officer towards the robot. 

The officer grabbed the android by the shoulders, but he couldn't hold it back. It was too strong. With one loud smack, the android hit its head off the table one last time and it was dead. Its blue blood splattered the room. Y/N grabbed onto the arm of the nearest person to her which just happened to be Connor. She looked up at him with wide eyes. Pupils dilated with stress. He looked down with interest. His LED became yellow as he looked at her. He was analyzing her. She looked back at the android with blood dripping from its head. The others saw a destroyed machine. She saw someone she had failed to save. Someone who was like her.                      

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