Part 6

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Grace’s POV

Before she had time to decide if it was a bad idea or not, Grace carried on running in the direction of Megan’s house. She could feel the anger slowly building inside of her as she ran. Why would she do that to Hannah? This was Hannah’s first girlfriend, the first person who she felt comfortable acting on her feelings and they’re doing this to her. Grace couldn’t even comprehend why someone would dream of intentionally hurting Hannah. It made Grace feel even worse remembering that Megan was also the first person Hannah confided her sexuality to. Hannah trusted her, and she stabbed her in the back. Grace was becoming so furious about the situation that she only just realised that she was already outside Megan’s house.

Grace walked up the path heading to Megan’s door whilst clenching her fists in an attempt to contain her anger. She took a deep breath to calm herself down before knocking on the door. She soon heard footsteps from inside the house and after a minute Megan opened the door. She looked confused, which was understandable considering Grace never went turned up at Megan’s door without Hannah by her side.

“Oh, hi Grace. Is everything alright?” Megan questioned. Grace hadn’t worked out exactly what she was going to say to Megan before she turned up at her door, so she decided just to get to the point fast.

“No, actually, everything’s not alright,” Grace answered coldly.

“What’s wrong? Is Hannah alright?” Megan responded. Grace rolled her eyes at the questions.

“You’re unbelievable Megan,” Grace shook her head, becoming angry again. “Why would you cheat on Hannah?” Megan froze. She glanced down at her feet and began fidgeting with her fingers.

“How did you find out?” Megan asked, her voice slightly quieter now.

“That wasn’t the question.” Grace watched as Megan’s lips began to twitch up into a smile before she snapped her head up and stared directly at Grace, her eyes lacking in guilt.

“Why do you care?” Megan smirked. “Just go ahead and tell her I’m a cheat and ruin her happiness.”

“I thought I could get an explanation out of you first before I told Hannah, but I guess not,” Grace responded plainly before turning on her heal and heading down back down the path. “She wasn’t happy with you. She deserves so much better.”

“She seemed quite happy to me,” Grace heard Megan laugh behind her. She stopped walking trying to decide whether to reiterate the fact that Hannah clearly wasn’t happy after Megan hit her or just to walk away.  

“You don’t know her at all then. Eat shit Megan,” Grace retorted before marching away from Megan’s house and beginning to jog back home.

Hannah’s POV

Even though Hannah knew she shouldn’t still be dwelling over Grace’s reaction to her and Megan getting back together, it was still stuck in her head. She tried her hardest to busy herself with other tasks to take her mind off it, but she hadn’t seen Grace since she gave her the news which made her even more anxious. Also, Hannah couldn’t help but feel guilty that she couldn’t shake Grace from her thoughts considering she has a girlfriend.

Hannah was sipping some wine whilst editing a new My Drunk Kitchen for that week. She finished off editing the video and re-watched it before setting it to upload to her channel. She was curious as to why she hadn’t heard from Grace for a while, but she decided to give Mamrie a call first to see if she knew anything.

“Hey, everything alright?” Mamrie answered after a few rings.

“Hey, Mames. Yeah everything’s fine, I was just wondering if you’ve heard from Grace recently?” Hannah questioned trying not to sound too concerned.

“Not in almost a week. But I guess she’s just been busy. Don’t worry too much, you know how she is,” Mamrie responded calmly. “How’re things with you and Megan by the way?” Hannah hadn’t got around to explaining what had happened between them and she decided that now wasn’t the time to do so either.

“Yeah we’re good. We had a bit of an argument but we’re fine now. I’ll tell you about that some other time,” Hannah answered hoping that Mamrie wouldn’t question her.

“Alright, Harto. Well, I need to go upload just now so I’ll talk to you later.”

“No worries, dude. Bye,” Hannah hung up the phone feeling slightly calmer that it wasn’t just her that hadn’t heard from Grace.

She threw her phone to the opposite side of the bed where she was sitting and checked to see if her video had uploaded yet. It was late at night but still before 12am, so she was hoping the video would be up soon enough to still count as a Thursday video. She reached over to pick up her glass from the bedside table just as her phone bleeped. Hannah had a quick gulp of her wine before checking her phone. It was a text message from Grace. Hannah could feel the nerves and worry settle in as she read the message. 

We need to talk.

A/N: Sorry for the really late update! And I know this chapter isn’t that great either, I just wanted to get another part up. I’ll try and get another part up soon, thanks for waiting!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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