Part 4

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Grace’s POV

At around 11am, Grace got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. After grabbing herself up cup she went to check if Hannah was awake yet. She walked into the room to see the woman still sleeping peacefully. Grace stood for a moment admiring the way Hannah’s hair fell over her face slightly as she slept and how her chest rose and fell with every intake of breath. She felt content looking at Hannah and appreciating small details about her for some reason, until she noticed the bruises around her nose which caught her so off guard that she gasped quietly. The bruises were much more prominent than they were earlier that day. Grace felt anger replace her feelings of serenity. She knew that the bruises weren’t from just a trip and she hoped that whoever did this to Hannah were out of her life for good because she couldn’t face seeing the younger woman like this again.

Hannah began to stir about a half later as Grace sat on the opposite end of the couch. Grace watched as Hannah opened her eyes looking momentarily confused as to where she was until she looked over at Grace and the realisation set in.

“Morning,” Grace smiled over at Hannah who was still looking confused. Hannah lifted a hand to her face slowing and ran her fingers over her nose. She winced and Grace could her eyes beginning to fill up. “You know I’m not good with tears, Harto,” Grace joked. Hannah looked directly at Grace.

“I lied. She did this,” Hannah voice was barely a whisper as she gestured towards her bruises. “And she might be cheating on me. Grace, I don’t know what to do.” Tears were now rolling down Hannah’s cheeks as the truth came out.

“Han, no one deserves to be hit by someone they love,” Grace spoke softly as she moved closer to Hannah. Grace put her arm around Hannah and gently rubbed her back as Hannah wiped away her tears. “Now stop crying because you’re distracting me. I need to go film today’s video,” Grace laughed.

“Your videos are always late anyway, Smellbig,” Hannah smiled pushing Grace away playfully.  

Hannah’s POV

Hannah sat out of sight of the camera as Grace began filming for her channel. Usually if she was over at Grace’s place then they would just film a collab, but she couldn’t today as the comments would be filled with people questioning her bruises. She would have some difficulty trying to talk herself out of that situation. Hannah hadn’t even told anyone outside of Grace and Mamrie that she was gay, never mind that she was dating Megan. After today, however, she might no longer be with Megan because of everything that had happened. Hannah didn’t think anything could be the same again between her and Megan.

Hannah turned her attention back to Grace in an attempt to take her mind of things.

“Welcome to Once Over Wednesday, or ooooh for short,” Grace laughed as usual. Hannah had always loved Grace’s laugh and it actually cheered her up slightly. Hannah remembered when she first met Grace and how it took everything she had to hide the fact that she had a crush on her. After Hannah realised that she would never have a chance with Grace, she suppressed her feelings and was able to just carry on with their friendship without a problem. There were some days where Hannah found herself staring a little too long, but she was able to snap herself out of it. Now today, Hannah was staring again. She was looking at the way Grace smiled after every joke she made, and how her brown hair hung over her shoulders in waves. Before Hannah could stop herself from looking, something else did.

Hannah reached into her pocket to pull out her phone which was vibrating. It was Megan. Hannah was going to call her later to sort things out, but she guessed that there would be no point in waiting now. She left the room so that she wouldn’t disturb Grace who was still filming before answering the phone.

“Please just explain yourself,” Hannah spoke firmly, feeling more confident than she did the day before.

“Hannah, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, it was an accident,” Megan pleaded. “And I know you think I’m cheating on you, but you’re wrong. The messages you seen were from my cousin.” Hannah felt a sudden feeling of guilt settle in her stomach.

“Cousin?” She questioned.

“Yes, my cousin Chris. He was in town so we met up and went for coffee because I haven’t seen him in years,” Megan explained. “Hannah, please don’t leave me,” she begged, her voice cracking. Hannah stood in silence for a few seconds trying to decide what to do.

“I… I won’t. I won’t leave you Megan,” Hannah replied. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?” Hannah hung up the phone and ran a hand through her hair. Why don’t I feel happy about this?

“You okay?” Grace walked out of the room sounding cheery.

“Megan just called. Everything’s okay now, we’re still together,” Hannah explained forcing on a smile. Grace smiled back at Hannah, however Hannah could have sworn that she saw disappointment in the woman’s eyes. 

A/N: Not the best chapter, but let me know what you think anyway!

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