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“There’s something I have to tell you guys,” Hannah spoke, her voice getting quieter with every word.

“Since we’re sitting in a quiet bar and you’re trying to soften us up with Bloody Marys I figured that you had something to say,” Mamrie laughed nudging Grace who was sitting to her right. Hannah forced on a smile as she glanced at her friends before looking down and beginning to fidget with her fingers, desperately trying to recall the speech which she had practiced so many times. She had been up most of the night before reciting what she was going to say today until she was sure that she would be ready, but what she didn’t count on was the nerves. “Oh god, I can’t do this” was all she could think now.

 “Han,” Grace insisted, her face softening as she caught Hannah’s eye. She took a sip of her drink before placing the glass on the table and leaning forward so that her attention was focussed on Hannah. “What’s up?”

Hannah took a deep breath and tried to compose her thoughts. She picked up her Bloody Mary and took a couple of big gulps whilst Grace and Mamrie waited patiently for her to explain, their faces more serious yet compassionate.

“So um.. I’ve realised that.. I.. my whole life I.. Since I was younger I knew.. um.. that I was different…” Hannah tried her best to string her thoughts into a coherent sentence but instead she tripped over her words. Her throat locked out of embarrassment and realisation of what she was doing leaving her with her mouth open without the ability to speak.

“Hannah, are you trying to tell us that you’re gay?” Mamrie questioned, her voice gentle. Hannah froze and stared at Mamrie and Grace who were looking at her sympathetically. After a few seconds, Hannah managed to gain control over herself enough to nod her head. Grace and Mamrie exchanged looks before they both began to grin wildly. “It’s about time you told us!” Mamrie joked. Hannah began to relax slightly but she was confused.

“Wait, how do you guys already know? I’ve only ever told one other person,” Hannah asked genuinely. Grace tried to suppress her laugh but it didn’t go unnoticed by Hannah who looked at Grace perplexed.

“Oh come on Hannah, look at yourself. You’re sitting there wearing a button up with a tie and snapback backwards. And it’s not like you ever check out guys when you’re with us, or ever for that matter,” Grace teases as she continues to laugh.

“Alright alright, I realise how obvious this was now,” Hannah eases up laughing at Grace’s comments. “But really guys, thanks for taking this so well. Things won’t change, will they?”

“Of course they won’t!” Mamrie assures taking a sip of her drink. “It just means we can’t tell you to go eat a dick anymore, because that would be a true insult.”

After a few more drinks and even more lesbian jokes, Hannah is completely chilled and couldn’t be happier with how everything has turned out. She takes a gulp of her drink and looks over to Grace who is holding her vodka soda with a puzzled look on her face.

“What’s up, dude?” Hannah asks turning her attention to the brunette.

“You said you had only ever told one other person,” Grace began. “Who was that?”

“Yeah I second that little Hart, who was special enough to know before us?” Mamrie pushed, trying her best to hold an angry expression but immediately laughing.

Hannah felt her stomach twist slightly, but these nerves were different. This time she felt warm inside.

“I thought it was finally time to tell you guys, because I met someone,” Hannah smirked as she looked to her knees, feeling her cheeks redden slightly.

“So are you going to tell us her name?” Mamrie urged grinning.

“Megan,” Hannah looked up, unable to keep the smile off her face. “Her name’s Megan.”

A/N: So here’s the prologue, I thought I should put this in so that it’s clear that in this fic Hannah is still closeted. Sooo… Thoughts?? :)

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