No Choice

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Chapter 6

Phil's POV

Dan was unusual. He could go from scary intimidating to a giggly schoolboy in seconds. He followed me underground. The others bowed at his feet but Dan waved them off and simply said, "I'm am not worth your energy." Dan was uncomfortable being the Ambassador's son. He didn't want all of the responsibility that came with the job.

"I just think that... I would ruin.. I think that I would ruin us. Our species that is, someway, somehow I would accidentally out our existence." He sighed.

Dan was clumsy, very clumsy. But that was what I loved about him. I admired everything that he did. Dan and I had become really close over the past few weeks. We vented all of out problems to each other. I practically knew everything about him, how he wanted to become an actor but quit, how he loved to watch YouTube, how he was great with technology.

"You should do it." I said.

"What do you mean?" Dan looked confused.

"You should start making YouTube videos. I think you'd be great at it."

Dan thought about it for a moment.

"You really think so?" He asked.

"I know so."

With Dan's looks and accent people would come quick but they would stay for the great stories he'd share. He could make people laugh until they can't breathe. Dan could save lives.

Dan smiled at me.

"I'll make my first one tomorrow morning then."

"We could do a collab and call it AmazingDan!" I said excitedly.

He smirked, "Phil is not on fire sounds



"That was the most fun I've ever had."

I couldn't help myself; I leaped onto Dan. He always smelled so good. I buried my head into his chest.


"So, Dan the big day is coming." I brought up.

It was the 1st of June, not long now until Dan turned sixteen.

"I just want to forget about it but I can't. The whole of our species will look up at me and I'm not wise. I'm still just a teenager! If I make a mistake..."

"I believe in you, Dan. And think, you have people looking up to you in YouTube." I said.

"But these are two completely different things!" His head drooped down. "I hate this. I don't have control of anything in my life! I don't want to be the fucking Ambassador!" Dan's voiced cracked. I knew he was holding back tears.

"Dan, I know it's hard for you. But you don't have to go through with it, right? You could runaway with me." I said.

"Do you even know why I was born? Or why Adrian was born? My parents weren't in love and decided to have children. They had children so we could take over the throne and If I screw up, Adrian is supposed to take over. That's why I'm here not because they love me. Running away is not an option for me."

"It is an option, Dan. You're just to afraid to see it. You want to be the perfect son, the perfect leader, you want to be like your father but that just isn't possible. You can't be perfect." I responded.

Dan's head was still down. He let out a low growl.

"I think you should go, Phil."


"Just go!" His head lifted up and he barred his fangs.

I jumped from the tree and started to head home. Dan could be so stubborn. I just wish he could see my way sometimes.


Dan's POV

I get so angry; it's like a switch that can be turned on and off. I know one thing that helps me.. hunting. I love the feeling of their pain; it's sick. I'm a monster but I love it. I couldn't imagine a life without the taste of human blood. Your not supposed to drink more than one human a month because it could cause suspicion. So, I usually have squirrels and things like that but it's never quite as satisfying. There aren't as many type A's anymore, Type B's & C's like animals for the most part. It's frustrating because they all think you're evil for wanting to drink humans. Maybe I am evil? This is just the way I was raised; to prefer human blood over animals.

I don't always kill though, if their cute I'll let them live but that's only happened once before...

I just hoped Phil would forgive me for making him this monstrous creature.

Hiya! I hope you are all enjoying this series so far! I honestly am shocked by all the love I'm getting with this one! I wasn't sure how it would turn out so thank you all for reading and have a lovely day! Chapter 7 will be up soon! :-)

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