Rescue Mission

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Wonder if they found a way to rescue the Princess, Korrin thought. She lay in her bed, bouncing a rubber ball off the wall and catching it. Tensions were high and everyone was agitated. That was the only reason she could think of for Shiro to raise his voice at her. But if they had figured something out, hopefully someone would come and tell her, right? But the minutes went by and no one came.

Then there was a knock on the door. Korrin sat up and beckoned them in. It was Keith.

"Hey," he said, handing in his pocket.

"Hey," Korrin responded. Silence.

Keith looked around nervously. "I know I'm not who you were expecting."

"I don't know what you mean."

"You don't have to lie," he said. "Anyways, I just wanted to let you that things are a little weird right now with Allura being gone. But that still wasn't okay for Shiro to talk to you like that. I think he's taking this harder than anyone else."

"I realize that. But I'm okay, really," Korrin said with assurance. It was nice of the red paladin to check on her.

Keith nodded. "Whatever you say. I believe you." He turned to leave the room. "We have a plan to get Allura," he gestured his hand outwards, "Care to join?"

Korrin looked up at him. "I doubt I'll be wanted back in the room..."

Keith scoffed lightly. "Shiro may be the leader, but he doesn't control who enters or leaves a room."

Everyone was standing with their attention on the black paladin when Korrin and Keith entered the room. For a moment, an annoyed expression crossed Shiro's face but then rapidly disappeared.

"Don't let him get to you," Keith whispered to Korrin.

Korrin nodded and hung back a few paces as Keith joined his fellow paladins.

"Alright, everyone, look here," said Shiro in a commanding voice, clearly not a stranger to this type of scene. "Our plan to rescue Allura is to jump into the heart of the enemy. And with our skills--and no small amount of luck--we'll do this undetected."

How do they plan on accomplishing that? Korrin asked herself, raising her eyebrows. The warship could be the size of a small planet. No doubt security would be tight once they got onto the ship, and that's if the enemy scanners didn't pick them up beforehand.

"But the wormhole can't open without Allura, right?" questioned Pidge.

Coran nodded. "While that is true, young paladin, I think we have enough of her residual essence stored in the system to make one jump. We'll hide the castle here--," Coran pulled up a large screen. It displayed three large planets and Zarkon's central command center in the middle. He honed in on the largest of the planets. "--the gas on these giant planets in Zarkon's system are dense enough that we'll be hidden."

Shiro turned to face the group. "Once we're there, we can scan for Allura on Zarkon's ship with the Castle. Then we attack before Zarkon knows what hit him."

Korrin listened carefully while looking at the screen. It seemed like a decent plan.

"We have a minor hiccup, though," said Coran.

Korrin flicked her eyes to the Altean.

"Wormholing in won't be a problem. But we won't be able to get out without Allura."

There's always a 'but', thought Korrin, So this rescue mission must succeed.

"We won't leave without her," Shiro said with an assured look at Coran. He had let Coran down before. He was determined not to do it again.

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