First Day

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Katniss' POV

"Daddy, we have to goooo," I whine tugging at his shirt. I couldn't wait to go to the playground in the center of the shopping mall.

"We have to pick out a special piece of jewelry for Mommy's birthday."

"Fine," I pout as I pull him towards the glass cabinets containing the earrings and necklace sets. I look throughout the rows of beautiful, colored jewelry. One caught my attention. It was a very pretty silver chain with a flower pendant hanging on it. Not just any flower. Mommy's favorite flower.

"A Primrose, eh?" Daddy laughs.

I nod excitedly and Daddy pays for the necklace as we walk out of the jewelry store hand in hand.

Finally we get to the playground where I see my best friend Madge sliding down the little slide. "Madge! Over here!" I shout after her and she smiles at me. I run up and give her a hug and she giggles. All of a sudden, I breath in the fresh scent of cinnamon through my nose. "Cinnabon," Madge and I whisper together as we run up begging our dads to get us some. They eventually give in as they walk over to the counter and each of us get a cinnamon roll. I watch as the worker goes to grab them fresh out of the oven. I close my eyes at the though of hot cinnamon rolls. Even better. Unfortunately, my thoughts are interrupted by screaming noises right in front of me. I open my eyes and see the whole oven on fire as the flames quickly spread. I start to cry. The flames are quickly spread across the mall in a matter of minutes as we try for the nearest exit that was sadly blocked by flames. Right now, Madge's and my dad are sprinting for the front exit with us in their arms. We are both crying frantically and hugging onto our dads for dear life. All of a sudden, I hear a cracking noise and look up to see the roof collapsing just as we are reaching the front exit. Before I know it, I am flying through the air, outside of my Daddy's arms. I land in the grass by the garden of primroses. I look back at the mall, waiting for the other three to come out but they never do.


"Katniss, Katniss, wake up please," I hear the soothing voice of my best friend Madge. I fly up and she pulls me into a hug. Why is she here? Oh yeah. She slept over because her mom was away on a business meeting. She did survive that day. Her dad shielded her body with his and the firemen managed to save her. None of our dads lived though. That was eleven years ago, when I was five. I'm now sixteen and still having nightmares about it. Madge does too, just not as often as me. "Katniss? You okay?" she asks in a hushed voice. I nod and get up. Today is Monday, my first day of my new school. Hunger Games High. They named it that because they used to have this special festival In our town called the Hunger Games. People would see who could go without food the longest. It was pretty pointless, but the winner got a whole bunch of delicious foods and candy. They must've been crazy back then.

"Where's Prim?" I ask Madge.

"She had to leave, she was meeting with Rue this morning," she explains as I nod.

"C'mon Kat, what are you going to wear to school? You have to make a good impression. Who knows, there could be some really cute boys..."

"Madge, you know I'm not in the mood for a relationship at the moment," I cut her off. She frowns but says nothing more. Surely she remembers my ex-boyfriend Gale. He's a senior now at Hunger Games High. He was all nice and sweet at first but once we started dating, he would abuse me or threaten my family. Madge finally secretly followed me while I was going to meet Gale one day. She knew something was up. She saw when he slapped me across the face musts for talking with my friend Finnick. He won't let me near another boy. Anyway, Madge is very sweet, but she has an ugly side to her, don't make her mad, or else... She beat up Gale and I swear I saw him cry. After that, she led me away like nothing happened.

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