I'm stuck in more of an unusual situation than I expected. Okay. Alright. Someone needs your help, it's okay, Ross.

My eyes go wide immediately as I recognize a familiar female shilouette spread on the floor.

I thought this was guys' side? Have I accidentally entered girls' dorm room?

Laura's unconcious face gets in my view and all of my questions go away. I hurry up and get to her, kneeling down. I turn her so she lies on her back and grab her cheeks with my both hands. Another one of our expected unexpected meetings.

She's unconscious.

"Laura! Laura, for god's sake! What the fuck. ", I yell at her but she doesn't respond.

I slap her a little, trying to be as gentle as possible.

Not working.

"Wake up. What is wrong with you?", I plea and pick her up in my arms.

I try waking her up for another five minutes by stroking her cheeks, after the basic check up to see if she's actually breathing and if her heart is beating. Minutes after my doings miserably fail, I somehow manage to grab a towel from her drawer and carry her out of her room. Maybe a good splash of cold water will help.

"Where are the damn showers?", I mutter to myself.

Frustrated, I try for every door in the hallway and they're all locked. Great.

To my luck, the very last door is open and I automatically search for the light switcher, trying not to drop Laura.

"Damn. ", I curse and feel it right away. The lights turn on and I find myself in the girls' bathroom.

I enter one of the cabins and lay Laura down gently, so she's in a sitting position with her back against the wall. I take in a harsh breath when I realize she's wearing a top with no bra and only panties.

Worry takes over and I quickly grab the shower head, turning on not so cold, not too hot water. I splash her face and rub it gently, trying to get her to come to her senses. Laura frowns and shakes.

"Laura. Open your eyes. Laura. ", I try to wake her up.

She starts mumbling something which I don't quite understand. Until she says one small word that gets me triggered.

"Mom..", she whispers. Her forehead is wet from cold sweat and water washing it off. My eyes soften.

"Wake up. ", I put away the shower head and it splashes my shirt and hair along with Laura's.

I touch her forehead to see if she has a fever. That's it. Her skin is too hot. I wrap my arms around her and curse under my breath.

"You moron. What were you doing sick out of bed. You are very lucky I decided to go for a walk. Wake the hell up or I am smacking you harder than ever. ", I whisper.

"What..", I hear a small, quiet voice. My heart beats faster and I look down, now completely soaked.

I let go of Laura and continue splashing her and gently touching her face. Her eyes flutter open. They seem heavy and she opens them halfway but I thank god she's come to her senses.

"Ross?", her big brown eyes search for mines. I look down at her.

"Thank goodness. You idiot. ", I continue to splash her and she chokes and puts her hand in front of her face.

"Stop. ", she whimpers,all confused and sleepy.

I put down the shower head and grab a towel, wiping her face with it. Laura's drowsy eyes never leave my face as she heavily breathes.

"I don't feel good. ", Laura confesses and I wipe my hair with her towel.

"I'll carry you back to your room. You had me worried. You just wouldn't wake up. What happened?", I ask.

"I..I just felt weird and my head started spinning. I don't really remember anything. My head hurts. ", she whispers and does something I never thought I would see a girl like her doing.

She lets out a single tear. I, at first, appear a little shocked, but then remember she's actually a girl underneath that monster woman appearance.

"Let's go. ", I don't try asking her why she's crying because she quickly wipes the tear away. Obviously doesn't want me to see.

I grab her and raise her in my arms again, stumbling out of the shower in my wet clothes.

"You don't need to. ", she says lowly.

"Shut up. ", I tell her as I walk through the dark hallway.

Laura is halfway asleep as I carry her back to her room. She's actually pretty light even though she has killing curves that make her seem heavier.

I close the door of her room behind me and lay her down on her bed. She whimpers, telling me that she's hurting.

"What hurts?", I ask.

"Everything. "

"What do you mean?"

"I feel numb. ", she says as my hands work on tucking her in her covers.

"Why?", I wonder and sit on the floor beside her bed, leaning my back against it.

My eyes wander around the girly room and I see something shocking, besides the Sex Pistols' poster hanging on the wall that I haven't noticed earlier. The box of pills is on the floor where she fell. Half of the pills are scattered next to the box. My face twists with surprise and I turn to her.

"Have you consumed something you shouldn't have?"

Laura stays silent for a few minutes until I hear her soft, unconsolable cries echoing through the room.

"Yes. "


"To fall asleep better. "

"You can't sleep?"

"It always happens on this date. "

"What's so special about today?", I ask. The back of my throat feels intense and dry.

"My mom was killed on this day, ten years ago. ", her confession comes out, although I assumed it.

She cries and I really don't like seeing her cry.

I close my eyes and don't say a word about it, just.. "I'll stay here with you for a little longer. "



I'm back!

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