Chapter 3 ~ Can't forget

Start from the beginning

'Dear Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin

I'm sorry for the inconvenience i caused. Please return the clothes you bought for me, i'm sorry to waste your time. I kept the dress so i am very sorry. I guess you could afford it but even so i feel bad. I don't know if you ever really cared about me or if you do now....

I left because i am not worth your time, or money. I was being selfish the past few days. I appreciate all that you have done for me in such a small amount of time. I won't ever forget the kindness you showed me and i certainly can't not remember you all. I may not have known you for long but each of you has a place in my heart. I doubt that you care about me too, so i didn't say goodbye in person.  If i had, i don't think i would have had the guts to go. That's the selfish part of me there, i shouldn't be selfish though. As i said on the night we met(or morning) you  deserve someone better than me. The love you have for each other is clear to even a blind man and i wouldn't want to intrude on that.

I've always hated people pitying me- i'm assuming that's why you took me in.  If I had stayed I would just be a burden to you all.

Goodbye, I wish you the best- from the bottom of my heart. Don't worry about me, i'm not worth it. I will remember you all forever, even if you forget me, i won't ever lose the memories of the past few days...
I won't have to remember for too long anyway.

Farewell, Yoongi x'

I stop reading and my voice cracks a bit at the end as i fight the tears. He means so much more to me than he can ever know. It might have been pity that made us bring him here in the first place but it was so much more that that. When we asked him to be our boyfriend, that was not out of pity. There was a feeling i got when i looked at him, the need to protect him and I wanted him to be ours and us to be his. You can't explain the feeling any way other than love at first sight. That isn't true though, i'm not sure that what i feel towards him is love but it is definitely something close to it.

We have to find him.

Namjoon's POV:

My mouth has gone dry and i feel almost empty. Yoongi, what have you done? His thoughts are not true in the slightest. We each care deeply for the small boy and he completed the final piece of the jigsaw. We will find him.


We throw on some clothes and race out of the front door. Jin and i pair up to search for him. We walk hurriedly to the park near our house. We have no idea how long he has been gone fore so we've got no clue how far he could have gone.

We go into the entrance of the park, holding hands. Jin feels shaky and i guess i must too. God knows what he could have done to himself. I'm scared for him. Time has no mercy on us and we rush round, searching the entire park and surrounding area for half an hour. There are no signs of him. I pray silently to whatever god is out there that he stays safe. The last line of his letter, echos in mmy head and i feel my heart stop for a second as i realise a place where he might be. I turn to Jin with wide eyes. ''We need to get to the bridge.''

Yoongi's POV

I lean against the railing on the bridge. I know this place well. It's a place where I come far too often. The courage to jump has never been there before. An hour has passed since I've been stood here. The world seems so remarkable to me, now that i'm about to leave it. Sights and sounds are all around me, I want to take in as much as it as possible before I jump. Suicide has always been in the back of my mind, I've just never tried before. Actually, that's a lie, I've never succeeded before.

Hopefully I will today. My existence is not needed in this world. I've never done anything of true worth, never loved someone and had the love reciprocated, never protected anyone, never made someone's day.

I take a deep breath and watch the world around me for a moment longer before pulling myself over the railing. I sit on it and I look up at the sky for the last time before I jump.

Jungkook's POV

My legs don't slow down as I reach the bridge. I see Yoongi look up and I scream for him to stay, for him to not jump. He doesn't hear me. I scream as loud as I can but then he jumps. My heart stops and I almost drop to the floor but I keep running. My hands grip the railings as I get to where he jumped. I look for a sign of him and all I see is the ripples. I don't even need to think as I vault over the railing. The world seems to stop and I'm just falling.

I plunge into the water and immediately open my eyes. The water whirl round me as I spin round, attempting to find some sort of shape. Nothing.

My lungs tighten as they beg for air. Any urge to swim upwards is gone when I suddenly spot a shadow in the distance. The shadow sways, as I use all of my energy to get over there. His body is drifting downwards but I have to pull him up. My heads starts to feel fuzzy as I kick as hard as I can.

The light shines onto us and I suck I a long breath in as we get above water. Yoongi isn't moving and he looks lifeless. ''Please'' I whisper as I try to revive him. My clothes are weighing me down but the adrenaline still keeps me afloat. I choke down a sob as all my attempts fail.

I can hear people screaming up on the bridge but I mute them. I keep trying and suddenly he comes back to me.

He's ok. He's still here.

My body drops under water more as sobs rack my body. I stare at him and kiss him on the lips. It's a small enough kiss but it means so much.

I tug him towards land. We make it back onto land and I stand up and pull Yoongi up with me. There's an ambulance there but I kiss him properly first. Tears slide down my face as the rest of my boyfriends rush over and hug us both. I refuse to let go of Yoongi's hand as the paramedics pull us over to the ambulance to go to hospital. They hand us both towels and it's only now that I realise how much we're both shaking.

Jimin's POV

I watch as Yoongi and Jungkook get escorted into an ambulance. Four of us got here to find Taehyung being restrained by some people on the bridge. People were screaming and calling an ambulance. They told us that somebody had jumped and then another man leaped over the barrier , following him. They stopped Tae from doing the same.

My life stopped for a moment when we were told that, but then we saw Jungkook surface with Yoongi in his arms.


I realised how Yoongi made our home feel full, how he was the missing piece of our jigsaw puzzle when we nearly lost him. I don't ever want to lose him. I think I might love him, but honestly i'm almost scared to admit it. I've fallen for him in such a short amount of time- I think we all have but we need to wait before we can admit that.

We all need to talk desperately but we'll have to wait for them to get out of hospital. I hope he'll still trust us when we tell him what we do. Only time will tell...


Well then...

I don't even know how this happened? I didn't plan this but I was writing and it kind of just happened?! My music playlist probably influence how this was wrote so sorry if it's all over the place!

What should happen next?...

Should Yoongi join the gang because he's scared of being left alone or should it be a fluffy chapter with one member while the rest go to 'work'... (Comment)


What's your favourite film/movie?


Probably Love Simon. I don't normally like 'romance' but it is truly just... wow. Definitely watch it if you haven't!

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