Chapter Fifteen: A Few Good Men

Start from the beginning

Then Lena seemed to realize something, "What about Isobel?"

I set my eyes on the living room where Chloe was banging around with her toys as Jen answered her, "I couldn't find anything about her." Que the pause for dramatic effect, "Listen. There's something else. Mr. Saltzman, Ric, his wife was from around here, and her name was also Isobel."

"Wait. "Was," as in..."

Jenna and I spoke at the same time, "She died."

Then twin bitch snapped, "Why do you hate the idea of finding our mother so much? You're just like her!"

I squinted at her, "That bitch left... she left us here. Sorry that I cant seem to find sympathy for someone who just dumped us like we were nothing!" I stood up, "I understand her position, what she was going through and thinking. But I am nothing like her, I took one look at my baby girl and I knew that I would never leave her, and that I'd never do anything that our so called 'mother' did to us... Never!"

I scooped up Chloe on my way by, and went straight up to my room, not being able to stand being around my sister anymore. I didn't leave for anything after that, and I find myself extremely glad that my room has a bathroom attached.

I stayed camped out in my nicely decorated room for about an hour before there was a knock at the door. "If your name is Elena Gilbert, you can kindly fuck right off!" I called out after putting my hands over Stink Bug's ears not wanting her to repeat what I had just said.

The door opened to reveal good ole Mr. Hot Back, who just let the door drift open, and instead of walking in, he leaned on my doorframe, "I heard you and Elena got into a fight."

The look I gave him was less than impressed look from my spot on the floor, "If your looking to lecture me, your invitation is the same as Lena's."

"I'm not trying to lecture you Addison, I was just checking in," He paused, peering down at the blue eyed little girl grinning up at him, "I also wanted to see if you'd like to check on Damon."

"Should've opened with that sweet pea," I told him, getting up.

He just smugly smirked at me, "Meet me outside as soon as you can."

"Can do Vampire Ken Doll." I could hear his laugh going down the stairs.


Once we got to the Boarding House, Stefan was quick to warn me that I may not enjoy what I'm gonna see, not having been in the house since that night of the tomb. Let me explain, I haven't been here, but a few nights a week Damon shows up in my room and sleeps in my bed after watching Chloe sleep for an hour, and leaves after he's sure that I'm awake the next morning.

Anyways... Stefmiester, being the gentleman he is, carried in Chloe's diaper bag for me while I carried the hyperactive baby trying to see everything she can get her eyes on. When we walked in, Steffie flipped on the lights on in the parlor where music is blaring. "No! Buzzkill Bob. And he brought the life of the party and the cutest little girl ever!"

I looked around the room at all of the sorority girls wondering around and dancing and could help but feel super disgusted. Damon even had one pressed against his chest and it looked like he had just fed off of her. I was glad when Stef turned the music off and really wished that Chloe wouldn't remember this, which she really shouldn't seeing as shes seven months old.

"Greetings." The raven haired man stated with a bleary look. And when Chloe saw him, the girl started trying to wiggle out of my arms to get to her favorite person ever, even though I was her only parent for the first five-ish months, but whatever. I'm not jealous or anything.

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