Chapter Four: Family Ties

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"Lena its just a joke," I told her as I grabbed her shoulder to get her from berating our poor baby brother.

He watched her put the stuff in a box and angrily stated, "That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away."

"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." Lena 'calmly' told him.

Before anymore arguments could be made the doorbell rang. I didn't bother to get up and answer it, but I heard someone sounding similar to hot back greeting my sister at the door.

I caught a glimpse at her dragging him up the stairs and rolled my eyes. I tickled Chloe's stomach and muttered, "Kids," under my breath, grinning as she let out a super cute squeal.


Later, after I had showered and dressed the doorbell started ringing again as Jer and I were watching Criminal Minds

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Later, after I had showered and dressed the doorbell started ringing again as Jer and I were watching Criminal Minds. I got up and walked to the door, leaving Chloe in the jumparoo I had put her in, Jer hot on my trail.

I opened the door, coming face to face with Tyler and gave him a small smile before suddenly the door was closing again. And you can imagine how much more confused I was when the door stopped moving all together.

I noticed that Tyler's hand had kept the door from shutting and looked behind me seeing Jeremy had tried to shut the door, now that makes sense.

I could feel the glare that Jer was giving Ty, which I would assume is what made Tyler let out an exasperated sigh before saying, "I'm here for my mom. I was supposed to pick up a box of stuff."

I was then shoved a bit from the door and turned to glare at the asshole who pushed me thinking that it was my crackhead little brother, only to notice that it was indeed my doe eyed twin. "Right here. Please be careful."

"Yeah, be careful with it, dick." Jer butt in repeating what Lena had said.

I got between the two, "Let's keep it clean here ladies, your both pretty, no one needs an eye clawed out."

Tyler glared at Jer, "I'm fine. He's just being a punk."

"I got your punk." What a strange snap back choice there Jer. Oh, haha, that rhymed.

"Look, Tyler, maybe you should go. Tell your mom that I'll see her tonight." Lena stated, trying to be the voice of reason I would assume, but then she left so I don't know what she was trying to do there.

"Hey. Would it make a difference if I told you I actually like Vicki?" Ty asked my baby bro at the last second.

Jer shook his head, "Not even if you meant it." Then he left me with Tyler.

We stood there for a few seconds before I looked at the sky, "What nice weather were having today huh?"

All I got in response was a laugh as he turned to leave, "Bye, love you too!" I yelled after him and he turned flipping me off before getting in his car to leave.

Love to Last A Lifetime| Damon Salvatore {1}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora