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       I was sprawled out on the bed and waiting for Lana to come out of the shower. She had been away from home for the past few days because of her training to become a certified makeup artist, so we were going to celebrate tonight. I heard the shower water switch off and as I sank into my thoughts of what we were going to do tonight, I heard her phone buzz. Out of my curiosity, I read the text.

Hey sexy ;)

       I stared at the glowing screen in confusion. Who was saying this to my girlfriend?

Just getting ready for bed, want some pics?

       I was fuming. Lana had been texting someone behind my back? Was that the real reason she had went away from home for "makeup artist training"?

       "Hey babe?" I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible when I called for her. It was hard to hide all this anger that built so quickly at the sight of just two texts.

       She cracked opened the bathroom door and poked her head out.

       "What is it?" Her voice was completely innocent. She was so set on me not knowing what she had been up to.

       "Who is this guy that texted you?" My voice and hand was shaking with rage and sadness as I lifted the phone and showed her the notification.

       "I'm not sure, what does it say?" I clenched my teeth as I read the messages out loud to her.

       She gasped. "What the hell!?" As she shouted, she ran over to grab the phone from my hands. She was dressed in some fancy new lingerie that she probably got from that guy on her trip.

       "I trusted you. I thought you loved me!" My anger was slowly being replaced with sadness.

       "No, it's not what it seems! I don't know who this person is!" She was trying to lie to me and convince me that she didn't do anything, just so she could continue to live in the house that I bought for us. "You know that I love you, Albert." She lowered her voice and tried to look into my eyes and make me feel bad for her.

        "I was so happy that you could go on your trip and become a makeup artist. I was so proud, but you went to go be with someone else?" I tried to stop the tears from welling up in my eyes, but they were coming fast.

       "If you think that I'd ever do that then I doubt you ever trusted me at all!" She shouted as she tried to turn it back around onto me. I couldn't hide the tears that were now streaming down my face and her anger was making her own eyes water.

       "I don't even want a fight, I just want an explanation!"  I was basically begging for her to tell me why I wasn't good enough, but she was still trying to pretend that she didn't know what was going on.

       "I can't explain it, I don't know who this person is!" She could say that all she wanted but I saw through the bullshit. She pulled me into a tight hug and whispered about how she would never do anything like that.

       "I don't want an excuse, I want to know why you did it." I would never admit it, but she was doing a good job of calming me down. Maybe she really didn't know that person. Maybe I'm overreacting right now to something small.

       The calm mood didn't last long. I knew what she was doing as soon as she started kissing my neck and pushing me into the bed. She was just trying to make me forget about it, and the best way to do that would be to distract me with something else.

       "Don't." I mumbled it just loud enough for her to hear, but she showed no signs of stopping.

       "Stop." I said it slightly louder and I nudged her away. She gave me an annoyed eye roll and continued her efforts.

       "I said stop it! I know what you're trying to do!" This time I pushed her entirely off of me and stood up. "You're acting so guilty and then you pretend like you don't know him?"

       "I don't know who he is!" She was nearly screaming at this point, so I left the room and slammed the door. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Who would let me stay with them for a while? I just need to pack my bags and leave, at least for a while, until things calm down.

       When Jake's name popped up in my phone, I knew that he was the person I was thinking of.

       I locked myself in the bathroom as I was calling him so that Lana didn't interrupt me when I was trying to find somewhere else to go. The phone rang a few times before Jake picked up with a drowsy voice like I had just woken him up. I didn't realize that it was one in the morning.


Jake, it's an emergency.


I need your address. I need to stay over for a few days.

Why? What happened?

Lana cheated on me and-

       I was cut off by Lana screaming "I swear I didn't!" From just outside the door.

And I need to stay somewhere for a while.

Alright, if you get a flight to Ohio now then you'll be here tomorrow morning and I can pick you up at the airport.

Thanks a lot. Jesus, I need to go pack...

       I opened the bathroom door to see Lana sitting right in front of it. I ignored her and walked past to grab a suitcase. I just started shoving random things into it. It was the same suitcase that Lana used for her trip, and in the side packet there were condoms.

       I took them out and threw them at her. Just more evidence of what she was doing on her trip. I used my phone to buy a plane ticket to Ohio and I headed off to the airport.

A/N: Hi everyone! I'm so glad to be getting back into wattpad again. Right here I want you guys to vote on whether there should be smut in this story or not, because I know some of you are uncomfortable with that and some of you love that lmao. Sorry for such a sad start!

Little Things -JalbertWhere stories live. Discover now