Valentine Day

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(Taehyung pov)

One sweetheart's parfait, coming up. I heard Jimin said as he took a couples order. The cafe was pack with couples. There were only a few people who were here by there selfs or just with some friends. All this lovey-dubby junk was starting to make me feel a little sick.

"Come on Taehyung. The least you could do is a least fake smile." Said Jimin once he got back from taking peoples orders.

Easier said than done. You have a loving boyfriend that won't even look at anyone else if it's not you. I said pouring some coffee into a cup. 

"That might be true but after I broke up with Yoongi, you were the one who set me up with Jungkook and I'm so grateful that you did. If you found someone for me then you can find someone for yourself. You just have to open your eyes and your heart and stop being afraid to love someone again." he said then walked back out with someone's order. He's right. I'll never find someone if I keep hiding away like a child. I have to open my eyes and my heart.

(Hoseok pov)

After I left Yoongi's apartment I called a cab and went to a hotel to stay for a while. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have a job but I'll have to work overtime to get the money I need to buy my own place. I would ask Namjoon if I could stay at his place but he's out of town with his boyfriend for a while and I don't want to bother them. What am I going to do? I can't run back to Yoongi. There's only one thing I really can do and that's work extra hours. Damn. I said to myself. I have today off but what am I going to do on the most happiest, romantic, disgusting day of the damn year. I didn't notice it right away but I was crying. Is it really possible for me to find love? I said to myself crying hard into my hands.

(Time skip)

(Taehyung pov)

Finally. I said in relief. 

"Wow, we made quite a profit today," said Jimin walking out of the changing room in his normal clothes.

Yeah, we did. So, where is Mr. Jeon Jungkook taking you for valentine day? I ask.

"I'm not sure. He just said that today was going to be special." 

"Hey Jimin. Hey Tae." Both me and Jimin turned our heads towards the door and saw Jungkook standing there. " You ready go chimchim?"


Go get'em, chimchim. I whispered to him as he walks away.

"Shut up. See you tomorrow Tae." He says walking outside.

"See Tae," said Jungkook.

Wait, Jungkook. Jungkook stops and turned around and look at me.

Make sure you use protection and anything with the words 'thin' doesn't count.

"Oh come on hyung. Just this one time." He said giving me puppy dog eyes.

Fine but just this once. I said smiling at him.

"Thanks, hyung." He closes the door and get's in his car before driving away.

Well, at least those two are happy. I said to myself as I changed into my regular clothes and lock up the store. I need to do something. I decided to go to a bar and try to find someone. I called a cab and went to a nearby bar. Who knows what will happen, maybe I'll meet someone.

(Hoseok pov)

I got tired of crying and decided to go to a nearby bar called 'Denim'. I wasn't really looking to fuck or to talk with anyone I just went there so I could stop crying and get 'him' out of my head for a while. I think I might have gotten too drunk. I stumbled out of the bar and started to walk against the bar walls. I feel dizzy and my head hurts. I stop walking and sit down on the sidewalk. I leaned my head on the bar's wall and tried to get control of myself. Damn. How did things get like this? Maybe I shouldn't have walked away from Yoongi but if I had stayed with him everything would just go back to the way it was. The endless fights and broken promises. I started to cry again. Damn it. Why did things have to be like this? I cried really hard making my head hurt even more.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a voice say. I look up and saw a guy with a white hoodie covering only half of his brown hair.

(Taehyung pov)

I paid the cab driver and started to walk to the entrance of the bar. I was about to go in when I heard someone crying. I look down at the ground and saw someone crying. Probably someone who's just had a little bit too much to drink.

"Damn it. Why did things have to be like this?" I heard. It was that guy who was crying. Maybe he's not drunk but I don't know him. Can I really take that chance of just walking up to a stranger? I took a deep breath and walk over to the guy who was crying.

Hey, are you okay? I ask. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Fuck off. If you're looking for someone to fuck, you got the wrong guy. I'm not in the mood." he says. I was a bit surprised at what he said but were at a bar so it makes sense.  

Don't worry. I'm not here to fuck around eighter. I said. I just heard you crying and mumbling some words. I just thought I would come over here and see how drunk you are but you seem to be fine. I said leaning up against the wall next to him.

"So..., you aren't here to fuck?" he asks.

Nah. I said. I'm Kim Taehyung.

"I'm Jung Hoseok."

Nice to meet you. So, what brings you to a place like this? I ask in curiosity.

" My ex." I look down at him. I felt a little sorry for him." We broke up yesterday." he said.

Do you miss him? I ask.

" A little... but I know breaking up with him was for the best. If I had stayed with him then I would just get hurt even more." " What about you? What brings you here?"

About a month ago my boyfriend cheated on me. After I found out I broke up with him. I just came here to get away from it all. I told him. I just met this guy and I'm telling him things like I know him. Hoseok got up off the ground and wipe the tears from his eyes.

"Why do people have to cheat, break promises, and do all this other stupid shit?" he asks.

I have no idea. I said.

(Time skip)

 We talk for almost an hour. We even left the bar and went to the park. It felt good talking to Hoseok, I didn't think there was anyone out there who could understand the things I was going through. We sat on a bench in the park and look up at the sky. I pulled out my phone and look at the time. It's already morning. I said.

"Really? What time is it?" ask Hoseok.

1:23. I said.

"Wow. That late. It doesn't even feel like we talked for that long."

I know right.

"Hey, do you have a piece of paper or like a pen?" he asks. I reach into my pocket and pulled out my notepad and a pencil from work and handed them to him. He began to write something on the notepad. "Here," he said handing me back the notepad and pen. I look down and see his number. I look back at him in shock. "Call me. I gotta get home. I have work in the morning." He said standing up. " Make sure you call me." He said.

Okay. I said. We went our separate ways there. He's so nice and he's a really cool person. I thought to myself.

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