What's Love?

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(Taehyung pov)

"See you later Taeyung!" yelled my best friend Jimin.

See ya. I said as I watch Jimin walk out of the cafe doors. I grab a rag from the kitchen and started to wipe down the front counter. Tomorrow is valentines day or as I call it Wednesday. I hate valentines day. Everyone looks so happy and everyone's getting gifts and the worst part about it is that I have to work too. The cafe is always pack but it's mostly packed on valentines day, especially with couples. Why do we even need a day like valentines day? Now that I think about it, when did I start to hate valentines day? I think I started to hate it when Bogum my last boyfriend and the guy who I was supposed to get married to cheated on me. I think that's where this all started. I wonder, can I love again? It's been a month now. I should give dating another try and maybe I'll find someone just right for me.

(Time skip)

I finally get to my apartment and walk in. I throw my bag down on the floor next to my couch and go straight into my room and flop down on my bed and felt a buzz from my phone. I look and saw it was Bogum. What the hell does he want?

Bogum: hey

Tae: What do u want?

Bogum: u, of course ;)

Tae: Don't give me that shit! You lost me when you cheated on me

Bogum: Tae...

Bogum: I'm sorry. I want to meet up with you and talk to you

Bogum: how bout tomorrow???

Bogum: Tae...

Tae: can't. I have work

Bogum: oh

Bogum: how about after your shift?

Tae: No

Bogum: why not?

Tae: Cause I don't want to see you 

Bogum: ...

Bogum: Taetae...

Bogum: I miss you

Tae: well, you should thought about that before you cheated on me

Tae: and don't call me Taetae

Bogum: Tae, please...

Tae: NO! LISEN, I don't want to talk to you or see you. Just leave me alone and have fun with your new boyfriend. Good bey.

I put down my phone and got up from my bed. I heard my phone buzz but I ignore it. I took a shower and scrolled through Instagram hoping to find something to cheer me up. I saw a picture of Jimin and his boyfriend, Jungkook. I wonder if I can be as happy as them one day.

(Hoseok pov)

FUCK YOU! I'M LEAVING! I shouted walking towards the front door of Yoongi's apartment.

"Fine! LEAVE! THAT'S ALL YOU EVER DO!" shouted Yoongi.

THAT'S ALL I EVER DO! THEN, TELL ME, WHO WAS THERE FOR YOU WHEN YOU'RE PARENTS WOULDN'T STOP FIGHTING AND WHEN THEY GOT DIVORCE?! WHO WAS THERE WHEN YOU'RE BOYFRIEND BROKE UP WITH YOU?! WHO WAS THERE WHEN YOU FELT YOUR WHOLE WORLD FALLING APART?! TELL ME?! WHO WAS THERE FOR YOU?! I said turning around and looking at Yoongi. Yoongi didn't say anything. He turned his head and tried to look somewhere else but my eyes but he was failing. Me. I said softly. I've been the one who was always there for you no matter what. I'm sorry Yoongi but maybe this was never going to work. I said. I turned around and started walking towards the door again but then I felt Yoongi's hand on my wrist. 

"Please don't leave me," he said softly.

Yoongi...I said softly but just enough so he could hear me.

" Please don't leave me," I felt his hand tighten around my wrist.

I'm sorry Yoongi. I said freeing myself from his grip and finally felt the tears I was trying to hold back finally come down. I walk out the front door but then stop and turned around and look at Yoongi and saw him crying. My teary eyes met with his teary eyes one last time before I walk out, closing the door behind me. Well, Hoseok...I said taking a deep breath. Looks like it's just you from now on. I said to myself, leaving the apartment complex. I wonder if I'll ever find real love? Will I ever find someone who's just right for me? I wonder...

Thank you for all the support on my other stories! 

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