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The following are the first set of Korean consonants with English alphabet:
ㄱ/ㅋ = g / k
ㄴ= n
ㄷ/ㅌ= d / t
ㄹ = r/l*
ㅁ= m
ㅂ/ ㅍ= b / p
ㅅ= s
ㅈ= j
ㅎ= h
ㅊ = ch
ㅋ = k
ㅍ = P
***Take note that here is no perfect way to represent Korean characters using English letters (or sounds).
***The English letters presented above are the letters that you will commonly find being used to represent their respective Korean letters.
***While it is helpful (at first) to memorize the general sound of a Korean letter by using the English letter
@@@ Remember that there is no perfect way to represent the Korean sounds in English.
For example:
“K” and “G” used to represent “ㄱ.”
Or “D” and “T” to represent “ㄷ”
Or “R” and “L” to represent “ㄹ”
+++ Anyways, memorize the English equivalents of the characters to help how to read but try not to think that the sounds are exactly the same.
*** Therefore, try to listen to a Korean native speaker and try to see which letter may represent its sound.
Next are the basic vowels you will need to know. Again, do whatever you can to memorize the English representations to help you learn them.
ㅣ = i
ㅏ = a
ㅓ = eo (Romanized as “eo” but it sounds closer to “uh” in English)
ㅡ = eu
ㅜ = u
ㅗ = o

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