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"저녁 먹으러 나갑시다."
[juh nyuk muh geu ruh na gap si da.]
- Let's go out for dinner.

저녁 [juh nyuk] - 1. evening 2. dinner
Here: dinner

먹다 [muk da] - to eat

러 [ruh] - (particle after verb to add meaning of 'in order to')

나가다 [na ga da] - 1. to go out, to exit 2. to weigh
Here: to go out, to exit

시 [shi] - 1. hour, time, o'clock 2. (particle in verb to add politeness) 3. city, town 4. (particle in noun to add meaning of 'in-law') 5. poem 6. to see (hanja)
Here: (particle in verb to add politeness)

다 [da] - 1. (sentence ending in narration) 2. (quotation, 'someone says') 3. all 4. multiple, several
Here: (particle after verb to complete sentence)

Word of the Day (Basic):
"~러" [ruh] - (particle after verb to add meaning of 'in order to')

Example Sentences:

1. 저는 빵과 과일을 사러 시장에 갈 것입니다.
- I will go to the market to buy bread and fruit.

2. 제가 차가 있었으면 친구들을 만나러 갔을 거예요.
- If I had a car, I could visit my friends.

3. 절 보러 와 주셔서 너무 기뻐요.
- I'm so glad you came to visit me.

4. 너무 신나요! 드디어 우리 스키타러가요!
- I'm so excited! Finally we go skiing!

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