18~I Hate You~

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Jason's p.

"leave me alone jason!i can do it myself...i don't need your help"justin wiped my hand away from his pants."i know you can't,let me help you"his little body is so cute,i ran my fingers through my hair."what is your problem jason!leave me alone..."he tried his best to unbuttoned his pants,"let me fucking help you,you can't do it!,you mad at me since yesterday!"i grabbed his sholder,turned him to me angrily.if I treat him good he allways behaving like this."ouch jason!i said leave me alone!"his pitch voice echoed the bathroom.he pushed me away from him hardly,"you fucking bastard!how dare you asshole"i grabbed his hand tightly, pulled him to me hardly.loud whimpers came from his mouth,i don't fucking care.he's a fucking drama queen"stop!!"he yelled,"you should fucking learn how to respect your boyfriend!!"i yelled back,i ran my fingers to his pants,i unbottoned it angrily.big tear drops were sliping down through his face.he should have listened to me.i pulled his pants,"stop it jason"he cried,i peeled it and threw it on the floor.justin only with his boxers,"jason,i hate you!"he yelled,"so,i don't care!"i smirked,i ran my fingers to his boxers,"don't touch me"he cried loudly,"you should have respect to me,you should fucking learn that"i grabbed his hand roughly,took him to the bed room and pushed him to the bed."what's wrong with you jason!leave me alone,you're an iddiot...i hate you forever!you hurt justin so much....i hate you"he sobbed,"and you peeled my pants,i hate you"he wiped his tears from his hands."you're not my boyf-riend since today,you're my en-emy"he stuttered,"yes!,i'm not your fucking boyfriend,you're a little asshole...i can find someone better than you!,you're a childlish fucker!"i yelled angrily."no I'm not,i told you that yesterday...i'm not a child...i'm fifteen years old boy,i can find someone better than you too,i can find someone who allways make me happy and care for me like Austin,he's my best friend and he have a really good boyfriend,his boyfriend never ever hitt him,nash is so much better than yo...."justin couldn't finnished his sentense."ENOUGH!!!,really!!"i got on the bed smirking,he shoun't have to said that.i grabbed his boxer,peeled it.justin tried his best to leave my grip.

"jason...don't do that"he tried his best to hide his naked body from me."i ha-te yo-u,i ha-te y-ou,mom-my,pwe-se help me"he sobbed loudly,"tell your fucking boyfriend to help you,tell!"i really felt guilty about myself,what am I doing,but justin is mine forever,i never let him go.i can do whatever to him I want,he is my boyfriend.his small body was really fucking beautifull,he's so fucking sexy.justin quickly grabbed the blacket,covered his naked body."you're not my boyfriend,boyfriends do things like this...you said rememmber,you try to rape me!,get away from me...i will find a boyfriend"justin whined,giving me a glare,"then look after yourself,you promise me to never leave me,is this how you keep promise"warm tear drops were slipping down through my eyes,i skipped down from the bed.walked out of the room,disapointedly.

I grabbed my car kies,reached the door.i heard justin's sobbs from the upstairs.i walked to the car,started it,i don't know how to live withot justin.he is my life now,wait!,if he wouldn't want me,i do the same.i don't want him,i fucking don't.i stopped the car at the club.opened the car door,got out.this is how I skipped  from the problems.this make me feel so good,i entered to the club immediatly.suddenly someone grabbed my collar,pulled me in to the dark."what the fuck!"i smirked and turn around to see who was that.that was a girl,"what do you want!"i asked angrily."you..i need you"she mumbled,she's so sexy.what am I thinking!fuck.she ran her fingers through my hair,her red lips touched my neck.i moaned at that,dammit.she's driving me crazy.i felt guilty,but justin didn't want me anymore.this is how I get his revenge,her lips touched mine,"ohh god,you're so sexy.."i moaned loudly,i ran my hands through her body.she grabbed a beer from a table and handed it to me.i grabbed it,swallowed it quickly,if justin didn't want me,i don't want him too.

Justin's p.o.v

I will kill jason,he's a jerk.i walked down to the stairs angrily,no one saw me naked before,i hate him.i took mr.bear from the couch,hugged him tightly."he's a jerk mr.bear,even you didn't saw me naked"i kissed mr.bear softly.where is that iddiot,he's nowhere to seen."jason!!..where are you"i cleared my throat,suddenly,i heard a car stopped at the garden.it must be jason,wait..is he left me alone this big house!,the door unlocked,jason entered to the living room with a girl,WITH A GIRL!,jason was wrapping his hands around her body.i got freezed,am I dreaming.she kissed jason's lips,jason kissed back.warm tear drops were slipping down through my eyes."JASON!!!,what are you doing!"i yelled,but they ignored me.jason ran his fingers through her body,"wow...you're so hot"jason moaned.

Jason's lips travelled through her neck,she moaned loudly at that.they walked to the couch,ignoring me.jason pushed her on the couch.

Jason's p.o.v

I pushed her on the couch,justin was looking all the stuff,i don't fucking care.i got on the couch on top of her,"jason...what are you doing?!,i'm your boyfriend"he sobbed,"so..don't you remember you said you didn't want me anymore,don't disturb us..."i slurred."hey let's go to my bed room"i mumbled,she nodded,skipped down from the couch,follwed me behind."you ca-n't ja-son"justin folowed us crying.i opened my bed room door,i just need the revenge.i really didn't wanted to behaving like this in front of justin,but he should understand what I felt when he talk about nash.i  pushed her to the bed,.i peeled my shirt,she ran her fingers through my bare chest.she wrapped a leg around my waist.justin sat on his bed crying.she unbuttoned my pants.oh god,i don't want this to happen,i love justin,not her.but justin should feel what I felt him and nash."not now babe"she rolled her eyes,nodded.i sucked her lips hardly,how much I love justin.she moaned loudly,her toung battle with mine,her hands ran to my pants.she got top of me.her lips travelled my chest,licking there hardly."dammit...oh god"i moaned."I HATE YOU!!!,you br-oke my heart"justin yelled,ran to the door angrily,he opened the door and slammed it loudly.

What the actual fuck,i didn't except that,i pushed that girl away from me,skippedd down the bed."hey..wait babe"that girl gave me a weird look."go and fuck someone bitch!"i grabbed my shirt,ran out from the bedroom."justin..."i yelled,but he's nowhere to seen.ohh my fucking headache is killing me,"justin!"i heard a sobb from the kitchen,i recognized that was justin.i ran to the kitchen,when I saw justin was sitting on the floor crying.i walked to him slowly."justin.."i said softly,sat on floor next to him."i know I broke your heart,but I did it for a reason,now you understand how I felt when you allways talk about nash!,it hurt as fuck baby.."he cried loudly,i pulled him to my chest."bu-t thw-at girl...kissed you and..."he stuttered."and you saw me na-ked,you make my feel unc-omforttable..."he looked at with watered eyes,"that all happened because you didn't listen to me,i'm your boyfriend....you should listen to me,and don't shame to naked in front of me"he looked at his knees shyly."no jason...i can't,"he mumbled."and you kissed that girl jason"justin started to cry again."don't start to cry again babe,i don't love her,i did that all stuff to make you jelous"i wispered to his ear softly."i love you so fucking much jay...please understand,i love to hear you allways talk about me,i don't like when you allways talk about nash,i hate that"i tried my best to explain justin,he put his head on my lap."i'm sorry jassey...i do understand,i love you jassey...pwease don't leave me"i ran my fingers through his long hair."i love you too my little justy bitsy"i kissed his forehead.

Love you all,please vote and comment beliebers.

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