16~Heart Wants What It Wants~

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Justin's p.o.v

"justin wake the fuck up!!"jason yelled for the third time,he threw my spongebob blancket on the floor."hurry the fuck up you asshole,don't test my patinece!!"he's so annoying,he grabbed my hand,pulled me to him.he unbuttoned my pajama shirt,pushed me into the bathroom."go...get a quick shower,i'm going to make breakfast"he ran his fingers through his hair."noo!are you crazy...it's so cold out there!"i scratched my bare belly."that's why we have fucking thing called hot water,now hurry the fuck up you asshole!!"he smirked,"no!you can't force me to bath,you're not my mommy!"i glare at him back."ohh..fuck you!dammit,if you won't bath,i will tell your teacher...then he will kick you out from the class!happy?!"he gave me a weird smile."and if you won't bath,blood demons will..."he couldn't finished his sentence,i ran in to the bathroom quickly.i took a quick shower like jason said,i grabbed my bag,walked down to the stairs quickly.cuz i'm hungry so much,jason was in the kitchen,cooking something.

Jason's p.o.v

Jason stoped the car at school entrance,i got out of the car,"good bye jassey bear!"what the heck is jassey bear,he wave at me,i nodded.i walked to the classroom when I saw trash I mean nash,zayn and niall were standing in the class room."omg jason,what the actual fuck man,why the you so busy yesterday..."zayn cleared his throat,and I winked at them."ohh yeah,anyways where's your little boy..."nash couldn't finished his sentence,i grabbed his collar.how dare he ask about justin,he's mine."woah..woah what the hell jason are you doing"zayn tried to save nash from my grip!"how dare you!!why the fuck don't you understand about this?!he's my boyfriend...i can look after him!!"i pushed him on the floor,"i slapped justin because of you!!!get the fuck away from justin,i know you try to steal my baby"i kick him hard on the back,he whimpered,"easy man...he's just asking,he won't steal justin away from you!"nial pushed me away from nash.my heartbeat increased at his words,"really,how the fuck you know?!how?!,i don't want that happened again niall,i don't want justin left me because of nash like you left me because of harry !!heart want's what it want's niall"warm tear drops were streaming down through my face.

He ruin my everything,i loved him with my life,but he left me because of harry.i know i'm not a good boyfriend,but I tried my best.i can't let my justin go,i can't!

Niall's p.o.v

Jason's words broke my heart into peaces,i thought he forget all about our past.how do I explain why I left him,i didn't left him because of harry.i know harry is my life now,but I didn't left jason because of him.jason ran out of the class room wiping his tears,i never saw him cry like this after our broke up.i know this all happened because of my so called step dad,but now I love harry.

_Flash back_

I wave at jason,entered to the house happily."NIALL JAMES HORAN!how many fucking time did I told you not to hanging out with that jason!!but you never listen"my so called stepdad yelled behind when I tried to walked up to the stairs."but he's my boyfriend,i love him with my life"i tried my best to explain my stepdad how much I love jason."i don't care!!you should broke up with him or I will,if you like to participate your lover's funeral keep it up!!"he smirked,"but why?"i stuttered."cuz,i don't wanna be ashamed in front of people because of you're gay.."he yelled,ran to his room angrily.

I quickly grabbed my car kies,drow to nash's,where jason was.i rang nash's doorbell."yo..niall"he gave me a warm smile,"where is the jason?"i entered to his house when I saw jason sat on a couch,watching tv with zayn."niall!what the hell happend,why are you crying?"jason ran to me,hugged me tightly."i have to tell you something"i stuttered,nash and zayn nodded,walked out from the lounge."now tell me babe"jason whispered to my ear softly."jason,i don't love you anymore.."jsson's face got pale."what!?you kidding right?!"jason gave me a weird look."no lesve me alone!"i push him away from me,ran out of the house

_flash back ended_

That was the reall reson for I left jason,not because of harry.my stepdad died after a year that incident,and I met harry,how do I explain this to jason.

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